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Old March 31, 2012, 06:24 PM
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Zeeshan Zeeshan is offline
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On topic excellent initiative; it's about time the religion got a makeover from blind followers who would harp on imam's bokttobbya and parrot it back instead of taking the time and effort to interpret Quran from their own. OOhh oooh so and so Imam with phd said it then it must be the RIGHT way. That's argument from authority for you.

How many in this forum have actually bothered to learn the language and read Quran for themselves? NONE. Anyone fluent in Arabic? Thought so.

I will give an example. When you read an English translation, it has a very condescending tone with plethora of exclamation marks and sayings like O this and O that! But unless one reads the Quran in Arabic cultural background's context one fails to realize why is that so. In Arabic, THERE IS NO EXCLAMATION MARK.

It's very easy to parrot back other's ideas. Try to read on your own and keep the wisdom to yourself. Better for all of us.

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