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Old March 4, 2011, 04:20 PM
shane2k shane2k is offline
Club Cricketer
Join Date: March 31, 2007
Location: Toronto, Canada
Posts: 138

- consistency hasn't been the forte of BD Tigers as of yet though recent past leading to ICC showed some sign of growth in consistency & game planning.. though this defeat is humiliating but nothing out of the blue as a win would have been just another Spark of Potential but not Mastery of Perfection... I am not shocked but upset that I missed some great cricket fun... 3 more chances of Sparks to go....

- Either it is pride and arrogance that is stopping our players from being tempered or it is lack of belief in them, lack of moral motivation.... very hard to put the finger on the cause....

- Inshaallah they will show real sign of sportsmanship and professionalism by working on their acts and do strong come back. As loyal observers we need to be beside them in both good and bad time at the same level.

- Every failure is an opportunity to grow and every win is an opportunity to boost. An optimist looks for opportunity in every problem while a pessimist looks for problem in every opportunity. Inshaallah the TIgers will choose the right track.
..... In youth we learn, In age we understand .....
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