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Old September 18, 2018, 12:58 AM
iDumb iDumb is offline
Cricket Legend
Join Date: June 18, 2010
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Soccer is one of the most injury prone sports in the world. In relation, basketball is very safe. There is a bias in your argument that you are not able to see. You are naming all American sportsman. And the most Athletic Americans go into popular sports like Basketball or American football, not soccer. Hence giving examples of American sports men to compare basketball or American football to soccer in terms of need for athleticism is a poor analysis.

If you want to give sports to sports comparison you have normalize data and perhaps not look at the most major sports league in the world but perhaps see it at street level.

I think you should not argue so confidently when one you don't follow soccer or you don't play it either.

From my personal experience, i never got injured playing basketball but playing soccer - i was hospitalized three times... once in BD, twice in USA. And these from playing with regular folks on street.

it's not about kicking a ball like a madman.. anyone who does that will not survive a min in the field. the finesses in dribbling, passing, tackling and the tactical movement forward is pretty unmatched in my opinion to any other sports.. least of all a street game like Basketball. American football you can make a case has a LOt of tactics in it perhaps more than soccer but that's also a game half of which is wasted standing and setting up's short burst of super atheleticism and tactics and break and break and break.

Not real football brother.. u said it 90 mins... no break.
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