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Old July 27, 2012, 03:03 AM
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Yameen Yameen is offline
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One has to consider the fact that over 90% of British Bangladeshis originate from Sylhet and many of them from the rural parts of this region. We all know they tend to be more devout in faith and of course there is nothing wrong with that.

Such values are brought over and are indoctrinated into the 2nd and 3rd generation Bangladeshis that were born and brought up in the UK. Most are brought up in the non-secular way such that most don’t benefit from integrating with mainstream British society and are limited to their ethnic ghettos with a major emphasis on the ‘Madrasa style’ education. I believe this has led to compromising with not being educated within the traditional state system (GCSE – A-Levels – University etc.) which has a more proven and rewarding path and most importantly allows one to mix and integrate and learn about different views on life as it captures almost everything from differing belief systems to the scientific approach.
Now, I am not one to judge which system is healthier but I do know there is not enough emphasis on career development when subject to the Madrasa style of education in the UK. Other than the known path, is there anything these west hating fuelled kids can do career wise? How many Doctors and Engineers have we seen as a result of this system?
Another common issue is that segments of this community in question do actually put their children through the traditional state system but again, they lack the drive to enhance themselves academically when the opportunities are there. Stats shows Bangladeshis and Pakistanis are behind academically amongst the ethnic minorities as they are more likely to leave school at 16.
I’m sure there are many other reasons but essentially this has resulted in a generation of British Bangladeshis who have generally disoriented tainted views i.e. Bangladesh is a country born from India splitting a Muslim country, the west is trying to bring down the Islamic world etc.
For me, the best way to tackle a lot of these issues is for more integration in lifestyle and education paths which one would hope result in open mindedness and the luxury of understanding how the rest of the world lives.
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