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Old March 12, 2020, 03:05 PM
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Originally Posted by Tigers_eye
You are not in my shoes nor I am in yours. I am about take a new Mortgage loan. Market crash lowers my interest rate. What is not to love it? Stupid people who invest all eggs in one basket lives with euphoria of instant gain or risk of instant LOSS. Thus, can't handle a market crash.

Those who are insecure, only lectures others.

Yeah, what was this thread about?
no disrespect, but that is such an ignorant comment. there is nothing, absolutely no positive associated with this.

you are gloating on market crash but markets are always cyclical. bull run lasted 11 years and it was going to pull back sooner or later. economy grows through periods of expansion and contraction.

you are happy with your low mortgage rate..

but at what cost? (economy does not equal stock market btw).

thousands have already died in japan, italy just reported over 1000 deaths. close to home, more than 20+ people have already died in US and don't be surprised if it goes into thousands for the next few months. human suffering, I mean actual human suffering is taking place. Italy's PM said that concerns of economy is secondary and saving lives and reducing deaths is the primary objective. but we should be happy about low mortgage rates?

many of us may not be in vulnerable demography (60+ OR having underlying conditions) but we all have parents, relatives, or friends who can be extremely susceptible. no amount of reduced mortgage rates can come close to the stress, anxiety, and uncertainty that we may have to deal with.

if you think market crashing won't have an impact on the general economy then you are ignoring or not seeing the big picture. people are not traveling, hotels are empty, restaurants are empty, no one is spending. a lot of small businesses may soon start to lay off staff. and very few of these people are invested in stock markets but their livelihood is affected no matter what.

it is like NBA is suspended but Lebron doesn't need money anyway. but completely forgetting how many other industries and jobs NBA supports. what about the service workers that works in MSG or any arenas. Not only NBA now but MLS, MLB, La Liga, Seria A are all suspended and many more to follow.

it has killed thousands of people, upended entire industries, and put the economy at major risk...

none of it is worth that few basis points reduction in mortgage.

once again no offense..
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