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Old December 16, 2003, 07:17 PM
Arnab Arnab is offline
Cricket Legend
Join Date: June 20, 2002
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Anyway, the document seems to merely elaborate details on military methods to squelch rebellion/resistance from what is perceived by them as a civil disorder on a grand scale to undermine the independence of their country i.e, Pakistan !!
I am sure you didn't read the blueprint carefully.

Let's recap the situation. The operation is about arresting ALL Awami Leaguers and killing every one who resists such arrest. Now Awami League is not a small political party. It just won ALL but one seat in East Pakistan. And supported by all strata in East Pakistan Bengali society. Since almost EVERYONE in Bangladesh voted for Awami League and supported the party, the blueprint basically suggests "Arrest/Kill all Bengalis." Is it truly so unfathomable?

Think of the logic in your reasoning. The people in the country democratically VOTED a party to power, and the then ruling faction was going to deny it through firstly deception and then killing/arresting ALL the supporters of the party. And you are trying to portray the people's call for legitimate transfer of power as a "civil disorder in a grand scale" !!! Plotting up a cold blooded scheme to decieve before arresting the supporters (basically the whole country) of a democratically victorious party and killing those who dissent is a mere case of "squelching the rebellion"!!!

That's rich.
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