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Old November 2, 2007, 07:27 AM
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Originally Posted by Rabz
Thank You Shaad.
Actually, the credit belongs to mashuqur for actually retrieving these from the news archives and posting them in youtube.

My reasons for linking to them are straightforward: given many revisionist claims about whether the atrocities occurred or not, I thought it would be a good idea for some documentation to be available (see also the cables and related documents from the US National Security Archive at this link).

Now, it's understandable that watching this will make many of us quite angry. But I think it's important that we channel this rage towards productive goals, attempting to actually live up to the ideals of our martyrs and creating a better Bangladesh. Most of the people responsible for these war crimes are dead or dying anyway; using this as an excuse to get upset at the current generation of Pakistanis is not productive (they are not responsible for the atrocities, and many of them are fed such a biased version of history in school that they don't believe such heinous acts occurred).

What is particularly important, though, as Tiger's_eye has pointed out, is that we learn from this incident never to commit such acts ourselves when we are in a position of power. History is replete with examples of a once-downtrodden group committing atrocities themselves when they come to power (see Israel and Iraq for recent examples); we must never do so.
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