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Old October 23, 2005, 05:14 AM
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VladMamu VladMamu is offline
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Join Date: May 30, 2005
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ok ok......I get it now..............

I understand why some Bangladeshi's have a sour taste for India and Indians.

It's kinda like how some Canadians have a sour taste for Americans.....

....hhhhhhhhmmmm............who would have thought.............

Thanks Bombay, now I get what Ameri.......ahem......I mean Indians are all about...

They are simply the Greatest!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

....and the stupid quote at the end, that what defines a Nation is it's past.

What a load of crock....
Especially when most of the Nations of the world don't have much of a past,
and especially since India wasn't even a Nation, but a buch of warring Kingdoms until.............................

.......anyway, I'm the only moron dumb enough to respond.....

For your info Bengal was the richest area and the hub of most of the economic activity.

there's so much to say to contradist many things, but I gotta study....

sounds like someone pretty insecure about his country would post this in a Bangladeshi forum....

I guess you are being slowly overtaken in many areas, health, education........

oh well, can't blame you for feeling insecure.
After all your former rulers were the Muslims.

Than you made a deal with the British and got jobs, land and army work by cooperating with the British,
rather than fight than like your Muslim Indians tried to back then.

...and now (laughing), the Bengalis (former rulers, and slaves), are slowling catching up and kicking your butt)

They are gonna KICK YOUR BUTT in every sector (health, economy, education) within a generation, you watch!!! You remember whiteguy's words.

Well that was fun........Good night!

p.s. watch your response Bombay, or you'll get kicked out! (These are my opinions.)