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Old March 11, 2005, 08:48 PM
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AsifTheManRahman AsifTheManRahman is offline
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well spitfire, i'd definitely prefer a bangla based education over an english based one any day. i have no problems with that. however, your comparing us with the japanese and chinese, or even the europeans, is like comparing apples with egg pudding. look at the japanese and chinese (and also the europeans) and tell me how far they have advanced in every aspect of life compared to us. nobody cares if the japanese don't learn english or any other language because they are a big name in the world today. unfortunately, we haven't reached such a level of advancement, and right now we are not at the position to expect that our language will get the same respect as japanese or spanish (not that anyone will disrespect us for speaking bangla). we are dependant on other languages, and to be honest, i dont like it. i too believe that the language we have made so much sacrifice for should be something that people will know us for. however, right now, we are not at the position to expect anything like that.

once again, i'd like to direct you to the statements in my previous posts where i mentioned that the question is not about which language is studied - english or bangla. however, since you brought up the misconception that english is the only reason people go to english schools, i've had to bring the issue up

once we reach a similar height as the japanese, i'm sure people will value us and our language more. not now.

and again, i'd like to make it clear that i don't have anything against bangla or bangla based schools. what i'm trying to say is that knowing a foreign language (most preferably english as it is universally used) is not harmful at all, when you're gaining an equivalent knowledge of your own mother tongue as well. in fact, it's helpful.

as for private education, whenever was that a key word? and so many bangla medium students go to private tutors as well - so what's the big fuss?

no charm factor is in action over here - the O and A levels are under an english system, and thus tutors teach in english. now which part of that is greek?
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