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Old January 28, 2013, 01:03 AM
Zunaid Zunaid is offline
Join Date: January 22, 2004
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Originally Posted by Navo
In addition to the above, the NSC's changes to the BCB Constitution included:
- The geographical restriction on where one could become a Councillor from being lifted
- Allowing the top six clubs in the Dhaka Premier Division Cricket League to have more Councillors than others

You can clearly see the scope for manipulation by vested interests and the weighing of the scales heavily in favour of already powerful Dhaka clubs.

While Isam says that the HCD order will re-instate the 2008 Constitution, it still leaves question marks over how elections will take place to replace the current ad-hoc committee. I wonder whether the court considered the possibility of issuing a 'mandatory order' (mandamus writ) to compel the NSC to accept the BCB changes suggested in March 2012, as per Article 11 of the BCB Constitution? Or did they give the BCB the opportunity to consider the issue of elections, councilorship, etc. afresh?
Perhaps you can file an Amicus Curiae brief? Hey, get your name out there. It's a good cause.
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