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Old September 15, 2006, 03:31 AM
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sunny747 sunny747 is offline
Test Cricketer
Join Date: March 10, 2004
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So sad to hear that.......

This is because our cricketers are mostly without university degree. They don't have any qualification except playing cricket. They mostly get into a team very quick at their early age, leaving their education aside. But when their cricketing ability fails, they have no where to go. NO backup plans. But mostly cricketers in other nations are quite educated. Most of the Indian and Sl cricketers has uni degree.

Imagine ASh drops out or heavily injured and can never play again(hope it never happens). What will he do to survive except to play for free in rainhill club? EVen habibul has no uni degree. He left out from uni when cricket started to click. NOt everybody is as lucky as him.
If you don't study at your young age, your brain won't function properly. You can't accept new things. Some of the Pakistani cricketers , they have some knowledge about physics and hence they could discover bowling like reverse swing. When is our cricketers going to discover any new tactics?
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