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Old August 2, 2005, 04:22 PM
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VladMamu VladMamu is offline
Test Cricketer
Join Date: May 30, 2005
Location: Vancouver, Canada
Posts: 1,387

You are right Xavier. Psychiatrists perscribe drugs. Psychologists prescribe help without drugs. Psychology is my own major.
Further, as Orpehus pointed out in some other thread, halve of Americans have some kind of disorder. Be it, Attention Hyper Active Disorder (20% of kids in USA), or Depression (At some point in life), about halve, to more serious things, such as Schizophrenia. Either way, mental problems is mainstream now,(Always was, but now is considered acceptable to talk about and seek help) and there is no shame in seeing a mental help therapist. There used to be shame in it. Now it's almost a way to get a third opinion from a non biased person, whom also has some education, and facts, and stats about many issues.
Also, about 60 percent of college students whom enter the first year in North America, fail. About, 30 percent the 2nd year. After that, it declines to 10 percent, and the serious from the non serious have been weeded out by third year.
It is a hugely common problem, procrastination. I have taken CAAS last year, a course that helps how to manage your time, and how to keep yourself motivated. Perhaps I need to re - read the book.
Education is not about intelligence. Every person, (provided they are not retarded), can do it. Of course, the educated elite at the top with power don't like to admit this. One of my professors got angry when I told him this. He was educated in the 50's almost at retirement, and cant' get over the fact that 20 percent of the population has bachelor degrees. He can't feel better than everyone else anymore. hahaha. It is about procrastination, and motivation. I seem to always find something else to procrastinate or think about.
I also find I am an extremist. Years ago, I used to love hockey. We have the Vancouver Canucks here. But I could not watch ALL the games, and find it too time consuming, so I quit all together.
So I simply asked for help. I wasn't trying to be melodramatic. Nor was that the case when I was trying to say goodbye, but haven't seem to be able to sever the cord...and heck I can't afford getting addicted to cricket. I promised myself no more forums after this one. Just like cigarettes, once you go in, you can't stop reading and posting.
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