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Old July 11, 2006, 10:26 AM
thebest thebest is offline
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Originally Posted by Ejaj
How do u know that Matz used racial abuse or calling Zidane's mother?.. Nobody yet knows about this for sure and u are already making sweeping statement. U might wait few more weeks before concluding ur statement on racial abuse. Yes, i agree that there had been some racial abuse going on in eurpean football.. but, the incident that happend, hadnt been proved at all for such case. Even Zidane's isnt telling anyting to anyone about it. It could be someting very silly and he just probably over reacted. That could be the reason why Zizu is silent about it yet.

Well, i think its good for football that Ref did indeed consult 4th or 10th official. whoever, to find out what realyl happend. Zidane did commit crime and he shouldnt get away with that. Thats as simple as bright sunlight. If u r cricizing Ref for doing sometingh right, then, I dont have anyting else to tell u. And, regarding ref authority, u might look into Fifa site to know a bit details about it. This is the reason that All the ref's were given wireless communication device so that they can consult to officials, if they have missed someting . This was definteily a good decision and things like this should happen more often. It will decrese many crimes that happen on the field.

Btw, I do understand the difference between football and cricket...
I know ref made the correct decision. But I wonder, why suddenly 4th/5th officials become active after silent for whole W/C. Accordingly Carte Blance he could not intervene. If rules are modified then I have question why they did not intervane

1) Argies goal againest Ivory Coast ( wrong one counted, right one discounted)
2) Swiss goal againest Korea
2) Argies goal againest Mexico in regulartime
3) Heinz foul againest Mexico
4) Italian dive againest Australia
5) One of the Brazil's goal againest Ghana
7) Numerous wrong call againest arg in Germany macth.

If 4th official did not intervane those, why he intervane this. This is simple double standard. By the way, I am not implying Zidane should be spared because of technicality; what I am implying is the rule should be applied to all. It seems that rules are now benefitting to the bigger team and european teams. Twice benefitted Italy who are quite famous for manipulating officials
Twenty20 is not a gentleman's game. It's like a one-night stand and not a marriage. It is a street format and the goonda doesn't know what is a late cut or a cover drive