Thread: A Conspiracy
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Old February 16, 2008, 03:08 PM
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Originally Posted by shaad
No it won't, if you have an open and a critical mind. I have already addressed many of the so-called "points" it raises in my initial response to BD-Shardul's post. If you want a point by point refutation, do look at Phil Plait's elegant critique on his Bad Astronomy web site.

And keep in mind, that this was made by Fox, a company which is more interested in sensationalism (and thus ratings) than truth, the very same company that also made the "documentary" Alien Autopsy, which Fox later admitted was fake, which runs news reports which it calls "balanced and fair," but are patently not (if you are going to watch a documentary on Google, I recommend OUTFOXED: Rupert Murdoch's War on Journalism instead).

Seriously, as I posted in my previous "jhari", be critical, and think for youself. Don't necessarily accept everything you see on TV or read as the gospel truth. Learn what Occam's razor is, if you don't already, and apply it to the two competing hypotheses: (i) that we landed men on the moon, or (ii) a massive conspiracy involving thousands of people in the know was carried out successfully to fake the landings.
Shaad bahi you haven't watched either of the clips, I assume. I am sure you are open minded. If you do you might reconsider your position. I won't argue with your point on over sensationalising a documentary for rating. But the questions they posed in that documentary demands some answers.

Back in the 69 there were a lot going on. Cold war with russia, space battle and so on. They had every reason to hoax this event.

In all fairness I haven't read anything that debunks this mythical trip. I will try to read your the mean time I hope you watch them clips
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