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Old September 21, 2013, 06:08 PM
iDumb iDumb is offline
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Originally Posted by Jadukor
iDumb questions:

i) Who is hotter? Angelina Jolie naki pasher barir Rahima? Olivia wilde naki Henry Cavil?
ii) Mufi type intellectual question: You are standing at a Bus stop along side a beautiful girl. It is raining heavily and there is a huge jam on the road. There is a cold breezing blowing and... oh wait... i think i forgot the question... anyways what is your favorite TV show?
iii) If you were given a million dollars what would be the first thing you would buy?
iv) Who cooks your Ilish maas?
v) At what speed is it safe to check out girls on the sidewalk?
vi) When will you buy a tv that is bigger than mine?
i) angelina jolie in her 20s anyday over anybody.... probably henry cavil
ii) both my favorite tv show is ending this year, dexter and breaking bad. beside watching tv, i also love people watching beautiful girls walking while waiting for the bus....... sometimes its borderline creepy but so far no one really objected being looked at with my hungry eyes..
iii) i would put all that money in the stock market immediately till i can come up with something more stable
iv) my mother makes the best.... shashuri's ones are good intermittently, not always.... mine is seldom good.
v) it is never safe to check out girls while driving when your wife is in the passenger seat. if alone however, you can check em out at any speed only if she is worth dying and killing for.....
vi) LOL. i dont know, when i save enough money i guess.
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