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Old November 8, 2012, 11:32 AM
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AsifTheManRahman AsifTheManRahman is offline
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I'm not too fussed about the exclusion of Anamul/Mominul. I believe the only way we can move up the rankings is by:

a) Giving the current bunch more time to develop
b) Holding back upcoming talent even if they are better than the current bunch, to make sure that when they are brought in, they are not just better than the current players, but better by a big margin. An occasional hundred or a few fifties don't fit that description.

I'm all for forgoing short term benefits for longer term interests. I think age matters and we need to get to a point where the average age of the team is in the late twenties - early thirties instead of continuing to rely on 19/20 year-olds. This works not just in cricket but other team sports too - soccer for example.

As for Enamul, tough luck, but I understand. Sunny hasn't done anything to get chopped and three SLAs might be one too many.

But picking Abul - now there's a disaster waiting to happen.
Screw the IPL, I'm going to the MLC!
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