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Old September 18, 2005, 09:27 AM
Banglatiger84 Banglatiger84 is offline
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Join Date: March 1, 2003
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if you talk about 10 random pakistanis, I would say 9 of them are ignorant of ground realities in 1971 because they are taught so throughout their education system. They have a jaundiced impression of the army going there to save innocent people being killed by India -inspired troublemakers

However, if all pakistanis become fully aware and educated about facts, i.e. the gross disparity in deaths, the brutal and intentional massacres carried out by the army, then i am sure at least 70% will not support their army's actions.

The rest will do so because they are nationalistic bigots who have a mentality similar to "my country right or wrong, we will kill as many as necessary when we fight against India"

as for muslims in usa, well unfortunately there is a minority who say "rationale or not, good or bad, i hate muslims for that day". Now to you its all "nonsense". to them its perfect sense. They also saw palestinians cheering on tv.
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