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Old September 14, 2018, 10:50 AM
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Default Paranormal Experiences

Halloween is coming up, so let's do this

Have you or anyone you know ever had any supernatural/paranormal interaction or experiences? Do you think ghosts/aliens exists and interacts with human beings?

What are your favorite paranormal stories?

I never had any such experiences but heard stories from family and friends.

Recently had a chilling experience though. I was driving home late night few weeks ago from a dawat. I like driving at night and instead of taking the highway, I took the local roads. Mind you, this is driving through rural south and no street lights. It is one lane street each way. Covered nothing by trees on both sides stretching for miles and occasionally some trailers in between.

I was listening to some slow music and I felt like someone was sitting in the back seat of my car. I looked back few times but there was no one. There was no reason for anyone to be there. But just had that feeling that someone was. Maybe it was just my imagination.
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