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Old June 30, 2004, 12:01 PM
Zunaid Zunaid is offline
Join Date: January 22, 2004
Posts: 22,100

Let's work on some definitions.

Let's create a term "Web Editor"

Moderator - Someone who has the authority to moderate forum postings.

Web Editor - A person who has some authority/privilege to create/edit BanglaCricket web content.

One does NOT imply the other.

One can be a moderator and NOT have the authority to modify web content.

Once can be a "Web Editor" and NOT have the authority to moderate a forum.

A "plain member" may be given rights to modify web content - ie he/she is an Web Editor.

A person can be assigned both roles.
A person can be assigned neither roles.

It is really this simple.

So what in the world are you, Abhs, going on about? How did the synaptic neurons fire to conclude that a plain vanilla member cannot have the authority to edit front page content?

Zunaid, speaking "hypocritically" as a member only