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Old May 7, 2007, 12:50 PM
GoldenAsif GoldenAsif is offline
Join Date: April 8, 2007
Posts: 297

Joy: Mum how's prison?

HW (Hasina Wajid): This is a disgrace. I am the daughter of the founder and father of the nation and now I am in prison when instead I should be enjoying my hundreds and millions of money stolen from the people of Bangladesh.

Joy: I share your is the prison food?

HW: I am surviving on a diet of baat, maach and dhaal. I am not getting the gourmet cuisine that I am accustomed to. I have lost a lot of weight due to my fears over being questioned in court and being imprisoned forever.

Joy: Don't worry...just add salt to everything and it will make the taste better. Shall I fed-ex some ketchup to you?

HW: Shut up you fool! This is not about salt but about my destiny as Bangladesh's greatest daughter.

Joy: Ermm..sorry. Mum are you getting enough vegetables in your diet. Eat your greens. I am not popeye, but please eat lots of spinach it is good for you., yum yum.

HW: You demented little retard of a son! This has nothing to do with the quality of the prison food (or the lack of it) but about the destiny of Shaikh Hasina Wajid the greatest female ever to have hailed from the bay of Bengal.

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