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Old November 20, 2017, 05:50 AM
DinRaat. DinRaat. is offline
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BTW This is why all our names are so generic.

The recent 2011 population census shows that 87% of all Bangladeshis share only nine surnames - Ali, Ahmed, Khan, Hassan, Hossain, Rahman, Islam, Uddin or Zaman. For the sake of telling them apart, you'd hope that they'd have different given names, right? Most Bangladeshis, sadly, are so lazy, they didn't bother innovating nicknames either - you can walk into any square and yell out Babu, Meem, Bijoy, Manik or Abdul and surely have a response. It is also a common trend to have random letters as first names - Md, Sk, ASM, AFMB, SM, and so on.

People with low social status will often have the word 'bin' as their middle name.
Some people saw this naming system as a problem. Their solution was to open an American TV guide and assign random words from it as names for their children. Names like Lincoln, Dollar, Caesar, Danny, James, Rebecca, Romeo and Juliet just prove my point. Communists saw this as a worrying proliferation of capitalism, and as a comeback, started naming their kids Stalin, Lenin or Putin.

Another example of Bangladeshi laziness is how they name their daughters. The rule is simple:
Take a boy's name.
Slap an "a" at the end.

So Hamid Sultan becomes Hamida Sultana, Khaled becomes Khaleda, Farhan become Farhana, Nasim becomes Nasima... you get the point. The other form of laziness is shortening the names; so Faisal becomes Fasu, Kalpan becomes Kopu, Ferdous fecome Ferdy, Sarfaraz becomes Sarfi, Shantanu become Shantu. Other names like Ahsan, Sajjad, Asif, Yaman, Shamim takes too long to categorize and left alone due to laziness.
Quoted from Uncyclopedia.
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