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Old March 24, 2014, 07:30 AM
Zunaid Zunaid is offline
Join Date: January 22, 2004
Posts: 22,100

This has come and made the rounds already.

This has nothing to do with any good cause. This is solely to benefit American Apparel's bottom line. This is not the first time they have used questionable marketing.

This is an apt response to all that:


Shunoh, I think it’s great that you felt fully comfortable to express yourself. I want to be clear, there’s no “slut-shaming” to this. I’m all about radical forms of feminine art. I think brown is beautiful, and when you are raised in this vapid city of Los Angeles where White standards of beauty are pushed down our throats, it takes a certain kind of strength to fight all that and declare, “I’m brown, I’m an immigrant, and I’m beautiful too.” Brown skin is underrated in this society and baring breasts when making a political statement has the potential to be that much more profound.

But it’s a fine line between self-expressive and being exotified and commodified. You think you chose to be creative — but in What American Apparel is selling is sex…where the brown woman is objectified.actuality you were plucked by your employer to sell an object. I believe the object you are selling is high-waisted pants, but it’s unclear from the photo. They are rolled down so suggestively. What American Apparel is selling is sex, and in this case, by having “Made in Bangladesh” across your bare breasts, you are selling fetishized sex. One where the brown woman is objectified.
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