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Old March 4, 2006, 04:34 AM
imtiaz82 imtiaz82 is offline
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Join Date: March 14, 2004
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I guess the solution to this is to give a well rounded education to the young generation. Emphasis on increasing literacy rate to over 95% atleast, establish world class colleges and universities...

Most of the incidents like that in tribal areas of Pakistan, Afghanistan are due to lack of proper education than anything else. I was reading somewhere that there are some areas in Balochistan, were girls are actually forcefully married to Quran!! This kind of absurd things have nothing to do with Islam, it is just jaheliah(ignorance). Even if those people were hindus, athiest or anything else, they would have still done the same thing just under a different banner.

Infact when I was in Dhaka I met some communist people, who thought that the only way to change our country is through revolution, where bloodshed is imperative. Thus, there can be extreme measures to implement any kind of ideology starting from democracy, communism or secularism not just shariah.

When we look at the golden days of Islamic civilization, the arab world in particular was leading in astronomy, physics to mathematics, the main difference was people were enlightened. Shariah law was implemented(to a certain extent) but by scholars who have done extensice study in that field, not some random tribal leader. Even today, relatively developed muslim countries like Malaysia have more in common to Islamic shariah law than the tribal people in Pakistan, Afghanistan.

So developing our country's economy and spreading the light of education are the first steps towards the right direction.

Edited on, March 4, 2006, 9:36 AM GMT, by imtiaz82.
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