Thread: BC infractions
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Old January 20, 2015, 07:52 PM
iDumb iDumb is offline
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Default BC infractions

Why are bc infractions so polite?

Many of you may not know because you never received one but they address you with Dear.

Like this:
Dear dumb you've received an infraction . And it is worth 10 points never to expire.

The way it's worded it makes me feel like I won something and I want to accumulate more points and they will never be expired so nice of them.... I get similar feeling when I use American express or amazon customer service ...they are always super nice...and giving me free stuff.

I propose changing the tone to the following:

" you stupid little tard start acting like an adult _ we don't like trash in this website "

At least I would appreciate the honesty.
Life is short. Have an affair.
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