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Old September 13, 2012, 02:11 PM
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Originally Posted by al Furqaan
Thank you Nafi. There are far too many hadiths like this when combined with the village mullah's barely literate understanding of everything - 3 Rs, Islam, Quran, Hadith, you name it - leads to a volatile and precarious state of the Ummah's mindset. Almost all of the hadith cited by Nafi are direct contradictions of the Quranic injunctions on those exact subjects. Sohel bhai had a great post once about how the verse of beating your wife when taken apart literally in Arabic actually means something totally different! The victim mentality is rampant within almost all Islamic societies, whether they are legit victims or not. Then you throw in Western foreign policy which is heavily skewed against the interests of most Muslim peoples (Balkan Muslims being about the only example I can think of off the top of my head) and the current script is almost read from a script. All of the strife and backwardness faced by Muslims today can be eliminated with a proper understanding of Islamic tenets, contrary to what Electreq might guess.
No guessworks on my part.

You are free to indulge in any mental gymnastics about the Quran and the Hadith's moral relativism and compatibility - but know they are nothing but mental gymnastics. Suddenly "daraba" doesn't mean "to strike," violent hadiths are not "in proper context" or "made up" since it is a mental burden to try to combine those with the idealized depiction of the Prophet and the religion, etc etc. Suddenly, everything Muslims have been taught that seem to have a whiff of controversy "is not really that way, we just don't understand it right." Give me a break. If the Quran is the eternal truth imparted to humanity and it is of utmost importance to Allah that people understand and adhere to it, why would it be rendered so confusing, so incredibly complex where words don't mean words and actions don't really mean actions?

If such cognitive dissonance was applied to any other topic than Islam, it'd be defenestrated quicker than a cigarette butt. But, alas, when religion is involved, people are a lot more lenient because face it - it's easier to tweak one's mind-view and delude oneself further rather than to undo years of brainwashing.
"Eternal suffering awaits anyone who questions God's infinite love." - Bill Hicks
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