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Old January 30, 2013, 01:24 PM
Hamlafan Hamlafan is offline
Join Date: December 3, 2012
Posts: 600

Originally Posted by kalpurush
I do have a question:

It seems Isam bhai is over doing just to make a news!

The new dead line is January 31st, 2013.

Why Isam writes the report on CrapInfo today? The deadline is not over yet!!
He is becoming like a "tabloid" reporter it seems!!!

-As myself
Can we let Isam bhia do his job, who said just becuase his bangladeshi he has to always hide the truth, and how many deadlines are set and delayed? This set and delayed rule will never allow isam to report anything, anyways if isam does not report, dobell will as Owais and many english are taking part this year. I am alway's with Isam Bhia his doing his job its just us fans trying to hide everything from the majority of the cricketing population. its wrong and BCB should learn a lesson. its just my opinion anyone can have their opinion heard.
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