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Old November 22, 2017, 08:28 PM
Rana Melb Rana Melb is offline
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Default পাকিস্তানপ্রীতি একটি মানসিক রোগ- Channel I

“প্রতিটি মেয়ের মুখমণ্ডল বিষণ্ণ, বিমর্ষ ও বিষময় দেখেছি। মিলিটারি জীপে ও ট্রাকে যখন এভাবে যুবতী মেয়েদের রাজারবাগ পুলিশ লাইনে আনা হতো তখন পুলিশ লাইনে হৈচৈ পড়ে যেত, পাঞ্জাবী বিহারী ও পশ্চিম পাকিস্তানী পুলিশ জিভ চাটতে চাটতে ট্রাকের সম্মুখে এসে মেয়েদের টেনে হিঁচড়ে নামিয়ে দিয়ে তৎক্ষণাৎ দেহের পোশাক পরিচ্ছদ কাপড় চোপড় খুলে তাদেরকে সম্পূর্ণভাবে উলঙ্গ করে আমাদের চোখের সামনেই মাটিতে ফেলে কুকুরের মতো ধর্ষণ করতো। রাজধানীর বিভিন্ন এলাকা ও অঞ্চল থেকে ধরে আনা এসকল যুবতী মেয়েদের সারাদিন নির্বিচারে ধর্ষণ করার পর বিকালে আমাদের পুলিশ হেডকোয়ার্টার বিল্ডিংয়ের উপর তাদেরকে উলঙ্গ করে চুলের সঙ্গে লম্বা রডের সাথে বেঁধে রাখা হতো। রাতের বেলায় এসব নিরীহ বাঙ্গালী নারীদের উপর অবিরাম ধর্ষণ চালানো হতো। আমরা গভীর রাতে আমাদের কোয়ার্টারে বসে মেয়েদের আর্তচিৎকার শুনে অকস্মাৎ সবাই ঘুম থেকে ছেলেমেয়েসহ জেগে উঠতাম। সেই ভয়াল ও ভয়ঙ্কর চিৎকারে কান্নার রোল ভেসে আসতো, “বাঁচাও, আমাদের বাঁচাও, তোমাদের পায়ে পড়ি, আমাদের বাঁচাও, পানি দাও, এক ফোটা পানি দাও, পানি পানি।”
-সুবেদার খলিলুর রহমান, রাজারবাগ পুলিশ লাইনস
Love is blind..& I love team Bangladesh!
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Old November 22, 2017, 08:42 PM
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2 things.
1. Wrong sub-forum.
2. If humanity teaches anything, one cannot be blamed for someone else's crime. Let alone a new generation or the future generations. What the Japanese-Germans did, what Alexander and his Army did, what the British did, what US slavery did.... This articles heading is Wrong. A wrong cannot be right.

The Weak can never forgive. Forgiveness is an attribute of the Strong." - Gandhi.
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Old November 22, 2017, 08:47 PM
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So ,we should not see eye to eye any Pak people we come across? Or we cant like somebody or being get amazed by someone’s skill because they are From Pakistan ? Thats blind hatred. The attrocities that happened in 71 are unforgettable and inexpiable. But, we should not hate all the people of Pakistan for that. Well, we should hate people behind it and supported it and still hold views against us. But, writting off an entire nation,which has population around 200million,is not any constructive solution.
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Old November 22, 2017, 10:01 PM
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What a load of crock of sh!t.
Absolutely clueless, baseless, no knowledge medical/psychotropic med and reference to a disease that has no connection to the point of the article that the guy is 'trying' to write.

medical-dictionary.thefreedictionary অনুসারে ‘Stockholm Syndrome’ রোগের চিকিৎসা ‘Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD)’র মতোই। সাধারণত ছয় মাস ব্যাপী থেরাপি দেয়া হয়ে থাকে। বিভিন্ন থেরাপি রয়েছে যেমন:
১) Group therapy
২) Brief psychodynamic psychotherapy
৩) Family therapy

এসব নিয়ে আর বিস্তারিত আলোচনায় যাচ্ছি না। তবে আমেরিকার Veterans Health Administration ডাক্তারের পরামর্শ অনুসারে কিছু ওষুধের কথা উল্লেখ করেছে, যেমন-
১) citalopram (Celexa)
২) fluoxetine (such as Prozac)
৩) paroxetine (Paxil)
৪) sertraline (Zoloft)

কিছু বাঙালির পাকিস্তানপ্রেম, রাজাকারপ্রেম যে অসুস্থ অস্বাভাবিকতার দিকে যাচ্ছে, তাতে এ ধরনের মানুষদের চিকিৎসা অত্যন্ত জরুরি। আমি আশা করবো এ বিষয়টি সরকারের যথাযথ কর্তৃপক্ষ আমলে নেবেন!
Stockholm syndrome has nothing to do, no remote association with people supporting or going gaga over Pakistani nationals playing in BPL. Like the idiot himself explained the origin of the term 'Stockholm Syndrome' from a event of a robbery case and kidnapped victims' ordeal in Sweden - is nothing like the rape and genocidal murder victims of Bangladeshis experience during the Independence war in 1971. The 'girls or people' screaming and supporting 'Afridi/Pakistan Pakistan!' at a stadium in Bangladesh did not go through a captive, rape and torture filled experience of the war-time victims. The reference of 'Stockholm Syndrome' is totally out of place and stupid. It sounds like the writer recently stumbled upon this and said to himself, I finally figured it all out, I am going to write and reveal the true medical reason behind all these Pakistan/Pakistan' chant at our stadiums.

২) fluoxetine (such as Prozac)
৩) paroxetine (Paxil)
৪) sertraline (Zoloft)
The idiot is now prescribing psychotropic med - Fluoxotine, Paxil and Zoloft are antidepressant pharmaceutic. Prozac and Paxil are plain and simple SSRI, that is selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors ...it was originally developed to face tuberculosis. Then as a side-effect (positive) , it was found that it can help establish 'balance' of serotonin in brain. Serotonin is THE main element in brain celse that controls 'balance' of mood swing. We develop melotonin when we sleep, and meletonin transforms into serotonin, I do not know exactly how and do not have knowledge on this specific. We can have a lot of serotonin in our brain but one of the MAIN reasons for clinical depression is that - when serotonin is released from cell 'A' in our brain and cell 'B' catches it - for a fraction of a moment, serotonin 'floats' in the no man's land of brain between 'playing catch' of the two cells. This needs to be prolonged and one of the ways severe mood swing can be stabilized. I do not know how, what it does while it is up in the air (meaning in between cells), as it is getting passed on, but it does the magic. A clinically depressed person's cell A and B very quickly transfer the serotonin between them, and that is the problem. SSRI controls that time (prolongs the staying in the no man's land, proper period of time) and over a period of time the depressed person's chemical in the brain gets somewhat normalized and again he/she can face the world and handle work etc. I know these because I have been prescribed these and been taking them of and on for the past 16 years.

Also another thing is when someone does a lot of cocaine, crystal meth, ox-codon and heroin, the reason they start tweaking, or when they do not have it, once they ran out and feel extremely 'depressed', is because those pharmaceuticals burned out all the serotonin reserve in their brain (for the time being) and they feel like crap. That is one of the reasons btw. ANd the reason an addict of those pherma (coke/heroin etc.) feels so good while on them is because, the drugs released a huge amount of serotonin rush in the brain celse all at the same time...thus it feels super euphoric (for a short time, unless one keeps reloading)and within a very short time, once out of ammo, feels like sh!t, as he/she is fully burned out and empty now.

Regarding therapy and 'Stockholm Syndrome' and this guy's bistarito alochonai jacchi ...6 months of therapy dewa hoye thakey???? If you were kidnapped and abused, physically, sexually, and psychologic months of therapy will do jack sh!t...in most cases the victim will be destroyed psychologically for life and would not be able to function in a normal way on a day to day basis, like holding a job and going to school, having a family, relationship, raising children, taking care of others etc.! Then the moron says, Group Therapy?? Family therapy?? Kidnap victims do not get healed by no group or family therapy. This guy is pulling these out of his orifice and BSing in some newspaper. This guy is writing like a Text book for a 3rd grader...Prithibi-tey koto prokaar Aam achey? Bisshey nanan prokar-er aam jonmey...jemun Fazli, Langra etc. etc.

The guy does not like Pakistanis to take part in BPL...simple ...why? He cannot stand the thought or idea of anyone (a Bangladeshi) cheering for a specific Pakistani national who happens to be playing legally, invited in a Bangladeshi domestic league. I can accept it. We humans have feelings, like someone screaming for a Pakistani out of joy, another one will be disturbed by it, - we have memories, feelings, and emotional reasoning for our action and beliefs. I understand that. But referring to random totally un-associated medical items for his dislike of people at stadiums and trying to thread together a concept for their collective conscience is absolutely bullsh!t. We have Awami League as our current ruling party, the driving force behind our government. What this guy needs to do, instead prescribing medicine for Pakistan supporters at the stadium, ask and petition the government of BD and the PM, the parliament to demand legal compensation for war crimes that were committed by their military and the government against the women and men of Bangladesh in 1971 and before.
God bless Ingrid Newkirk, Dianne Feinstein, Hillary Clinton, Kamala Harris, Kirsten Gillibrand, Elizabeth Warren & Mitch Landrieu!
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Old November 22, 2017, 10:04 PM
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I am adding bk to the list of people I don't ever wanna mess with.


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Old November 22, 2017, 10:08 PM
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This dude - the author- must be our version of O'Reilly, Sean Hannity and entire Fox news team rolled into one.

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Old November 22, 2017, 10:26 PM
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This is a classic example of an abused becoming the abuser which is not entirely uncommon. Yes, is anger, outrage justified? Absolutely. But that anger needs to be expressed constructively not in a misplaced sense of self-righteousness and virtue.

I will drop 2 links. First so that dumb----ks know I come from a family who witnessed 71 atrocities first hand with my own nana Shahid Budhdhijibi being violently dragged from our home and senselessly killed. My mom wrote this wonderful and eloquent piece.



পরদিন স্কুলে গেলাম। উল্লেখ্য আমি বিদ্যাময়ী গভঃ স্কলের ছাত্রী ছিলাম। রাবেয়া আপা -এ্যসিসটেন্ট হেড মিষ্ট্রেস ,যার ছায়াদেখলে আমাদের আত্মা শুকিয়ে যায়-আমাদের জুতার শব্দ থেমে যায় !!!!! তিনি আমাদের ইংলিশ ক্লাস নিতেন- বিধবা-এক ছেলে সন্তানের মা।
ক্লাশে ঢুকলেন । আমরা যথারিতি দাঁ ড়িয়ে গেলাম ,। “বস” বলে আমার নাম ধরে ডকলেন–আমি আবার উঠে দাঁড়া লাম। একদৃষ্টিতে আমার দিকে
তাকিয়ে রইলেন এবং জিজ্ঞেশ করলেন”””তুমি কাল মিছিলে এসেছিলে ”
আমি ঘাড় নাড়ালাম। তিনি বল্লেন তোমার কালকের গায়ের জামার কাপড় টা কোথাকার তৈরী? আমি নিশ্চুপ,। তিনি বল্লেন “”ওটা পাকিষ্তানি কাপড় । যার তেজদীপ্ত তা এত প্রখড় , এত প্রতিবাদী সে
কেন পাকিষ্তানি কাপড় পরে মিছিলে যাবে !!!! মাকে বলবে খদ্দের কাপড়ের জামা বানিয়ে দিতে”‘ ।
আমি হাফ ছেড় বাচলাম- ভেবেছিলাম মিছলে গিয়েছি বলে আমাকে
স্কুল থেকে বহিঃস্কার করবে। ধন্যবাদ খোদা ,তা হয়নি-। পরবর্তিতে এই
রাবেয়া আপার ছেলে মুক্তি যুদ্ধে গিয়ে শহীদ হন —।।
(Part 5 kinda reads like a spy novel.)

Second, mental illness is a nuanced issue. One of the best 'attack' or rather take on the subject is by the Harvard botanist Andrew Weil MD


I think it is paramount to make it clear ANGER is entirely JUSTIFIED and need to be EXPRESSED. Suppressing these emotions can be detrimental and blow up. Hence my piece on 71 where people need to talk about it or express it constructively.

It is only when anger is repressed that frustration develops and one feels helpless or violated. I don't for a second believe in faux-forgiveness or forgetfulness. These should NEVER be forced. But at one point in our life we need to come to terms with them and let go for OUR OWN BENEFIT.

I fully agree with TE that it is completely off topic.

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Old November 22, 2017, 10:32 PM
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I can be ok with people who support Pakistan cricket team, or any teams/players from Pakistan etc. I do not support pakistan but I have no right to tell you you should not support pakistan players.

However I hate when bangladeshies wave pakistani flags and paint their face in pakistan flag colors. there i have to stop. people who does this are directly slapping everything our liberation war was about. I agree that these people are sick
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Old November 22, 2017, 11:20 PM
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With due all respect Adnan, and yes I do agree and see where you come from, but you might also appreciate the other opposing view that we or at least I find repulsive and absolutely toxic is how people manipulates and exploits the death to justify anything. THAT is also a direct slap in the face of our martyrs. THAT is equally egregious. Of course I am not pointing any fingers, but many people thinks due to the suffering from genocide all bets are off from the table.

It is equally repugnant when someone says oh your father's death wish was for you to go to school and study medicine, would you be so cruel hearted to let him down?

Then....then you really have to wonder the utter debase and manipulative nature of Ego that surreptitiously weaves her deathly hallowed trap.

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Old November 23, 2017, 02:30 AM
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All praise and thanks due to Allah for sanity to finally prevail in this thread!
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Old November 23, 2017, 03:07 AM
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Propaganda machine in full force. Expect to see a lot more of this through out social media and mainstream media as the election is nearing.
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Old November 23, 2017, 09:29 AM
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Paxil is also a good treatment for premature ejaculation. I have prescribed it many times. Perhaps this article was this!

he calls himself an online activist and a liberation war expert.

I always find only losers call themselves online activist. If you are an activist, you are a true activist who sometimes use social media for wider audience reach. Wtf is an online activist?? you just vigorously type while others do the work?? Not denying his broad knowledge of the war however.
Life is short. Have an affair.
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Old November 23, 2017, 09:35 AM
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adderol khete amar khub moja lage... mochmochiye adderal kaju badam er moton churmar kore khete khub foorti foorti lage (NOT radio foorti!) aar boro boro essay college application letter likhte khub moja lage...

The damn irony is when the doctor used to prescribe me that stuff like M&M I hardly knew what it was and ALWAYS resented it. Now I wish he'd give me more. This punk actually had frikkin limitless supply.

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Old November 23, 2017, 09:52 AM
tejkuni tejkuni is offline
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Originally Posted by Night_wolf
I can be ok with people who support Pakistan cricket team, or any teams/players from Pakistan etc. I do not support pakistan but I have no right to tell you you should not support pakistan players.

However I hate when bangladeshies wave pakistani flags and paint their face in pakistan flag colors. there i have to stop. people who does this are directly slapping everything our liberation war was about. I agree that these people are sick
I agree completely. It will be hard for me to support Pakistan (until an official apology), but I do not take it to Pakistani people. I have lot of Pakistani friends. Sk. Mujib in his first speech in independent BD said " we do not have any complain against normal Pakistani people, but the Military Govt. who killed my people.....". I think it our duty to let the Pakistani people know about the 71 atrocities, a lot of them still do not believe what happened then. They blame it to India.
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Old November 23, 2017, 09:53 AM
Shubho Shubho is offline
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In the context of Bangladesh, Pakistan-priti does appear to be a manoshik rog. How else does one explain Pakistan jersey wearing, flag waving and face painting by people whose forefathers were subject to the brutality of those very same symbols?

Whatever the case may be, there's no way it's Stockholm Syndrome as the pseudo-scientist who wrote the article claims. It's probably more simple than that; it may just be a warped inferiority complex.

This article also attempts to make a weird link between supporting/admiring/salivating over Afridi and inferiority complex-driven Pak sycophancy among a section of the Bangladeshi population. A pretty tenuous link. One can cheer vociferously for an individual called Afridi (no matter how cringeworthy that is) while also being true to our country's proud history.

All that being said, I never understood the Bangladeshi hysteria over the Boom Boom.
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Old November 23, 2017, 10:07 AM
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All that being said, I never understood the Bangladeshi hysteria over the Boom Boom.
Allow me to gently bring the convo back to cricket. When Dravid made his debut in South Africa, I was there in that country. Possibly made a century. Don't remember. He was asked who did he play like? "I played like Rahul Dravid," he answered. LOL

It may have been blatantly self-flattering, but that was actually sign of supreme security and healthy ego.

So yes, why not just be your own self and focus, develop, optimize and maximize your strength? Why do we have to emulate someone? It is not only Pakistan but we tend to copy and imitate the Indians, that irritating comedy rimshot with tabla, the ads, the cell phone ads were we say in Banglish and slang....etc... EVERYTHING.

Why write "Boom Boom Tamim?" Why not create your own version and be the best version of yourself?

That is why I created my megahit bowling compilation video about my vision and dream what fast bowling should be.

Nothing makes me mad than "oh oh he must be Bangladeshi Ponting or Bangladeshi Sehwag" FFS man just be your own frikkin self. You are capable of so much more you cannot even imagine.

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Old November 23, 2017, 10:09 AM
iDumb iDumb is offline
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Originally Posted by Shubho
How else does one explain Pakistan jersey wearing, flag waving and face painting by people whose forefathers were subject to the brutality of those very same symbols?
I can not stand it. In another thread somewhere I had mentioned, if i could i would have banned Pakistani anthem playing in BD stadium. And I would never stand during that.

This author kinda unnecessarily went off track with all his treatment plans but his sentiment most of us share.

Somewhat off topic:

I have a friend I grew up with whose father is the most hilarious guy on earth when it comes to shi& talking Pakistan. He is married to a pakistani woman... mother speaks urdu with my friend (but my friend is well versed in bangla too) but the father subscribe to all the bangaldeshi channels at home, no other international channel allowed. He has a big Bangladeshi flag in his living room. Everytime i been there.. all i hear him is talking *** about Pakistan. It's hilarious. Now that's a true Bangali... He didn't let his dislike for pakistan prevent him from marrying one of its girl And even after having 3 children... he is still true to his Bangali pride. You just gotta know what you stand for thats all.. rest falls into places
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Old November 23, 2017, 11:00 AM
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@ Rana Melb. Channel I didn't attest to what the writer said.

There is a disclaimer at the end.

(এ বিভাগে প্রকাশিত মতামত লেখকের নিজস্ব। চ্যানেল আই অনলাইন এবং চ্যানেল আই-এর সম্পাদকীয় নীতির সঙ্গে প্রকাশিত মতামত সামঞ্জস্যপূর্ণ নাও হতে পারে।

Heading: You could have said, "published in"
The Weak can never forgive. Forgiveness is an attribute of the Strong." - Gandhi.
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Old November 23, 2017, 11:03 AM
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The writer has blind hatred. He is most likely in his 20s at best 30s. That is the scary part. How cruel a war can be, he has no clue.
The Weak can never forgive. Forgiveness is an attribute of the Strong." - Gandhi.
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Old November 23, 2017, 11:04 AM
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Originally Posted by iDumb
I can not stand it. In another thread somewhere I had mentioned, if i could i would have banned Pakistani anthem playing in BD stadium. And I would never stand during that.

This author kinda unnecessarily went off track with all his treatment plans but his sentiment most of us share.

Somewhat off topic:

I have a friend I grew up with whose father is the most hilarious guy on earth when it comes to shi& talking Pakistan. He is married to a pakistani woman... mother speaks urdu with my friend (but my friend is well versed in bangla too) but the father subscribe to all the bangaldeshi channels at home, no other international channel allowed. He has a big Bangladeshi flag in his living room. Everytime i been there.. all i hear him is talking *** about Pakistan. It's hilarious. Now that's a true Bangali... He didn't let his dislike for pakistan prevent him from marrying one of its girl And even after having 3 children... he is still true to his Bangali pride. You just gotta know what you stand for thats all.. rest falls into places
I love Pakistani Nihari. It tastes so damn good Alhamdulillah
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Old November 23, 2017, 12:07 PM
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Okay let's give benefit of the doubt to "Pakistani priti" So- err Shubho.

It actually started with the visceral blockbuster rivalry between India and Pakistan which yielded 50-50 result. That's is why the support. Heck if we got our status before that, maybe there wouldn't be such "Pakistani priti" So...err Shubho.

The reason why so many of us was attracted to Wasim, Waqar and Younis not because we were misguided or such, simply because Paksitan at that time played a whole new level of BALLSY cricket.

And yes, given the fact Indian subcontinent was ruled by British colonialism and many of us regularly suffered racism (especially me from South Africa) or others when they went to Australia and England, is it that much of a damn stretch they were releasing glee and schadenfreude to see them get their pants peed? And one would expect a fellow brethren to empathize about someone like me or others who repeatedly was subject of racism... but hey to his to his own agenda. After all compassion and neutrality is really some pesky details that gets in the way of justice and peace.

With due all respect So...er Shubho you are not the only one who is enlightened with repercussions of the aftermath of '71. Anyone on this planet world - be it rickshawpuller or a house maid- is endowed with consciousness and anyone with a scintilla and iota of consciousness is aware of the fact what took place and can make and think on their own without having Le Elite dictate how the rest of the mankind should behave.

Thank you very much. Frankly the fact that YOU don't see these fans were celebrating white folks going down by brown actually smacks of self-loathing and inferiority complex. You wanna talk about inferiority complex? Let's talk about inferiority complex. Hows that for inferiority complex?


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Old November 23, 2017, 12:22 PM
Shubho Shubho is offline
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Originally Posted by Zeeshan
Okay let's give benefit of the doubt to "Pakistani priti" So- err Shubho.

It actually started with the visceral blockbuster rivalry between India and Pakistan which yielded 50-50 result. That's is why the support. Heck if we got our status before that, maybe there wouldn't be such "Pakistani priti" So...err Shubho.

The reason why so many of us was attracted to Wasim, Waqar and Younis not because we were misguided or such, simply because Paksitan at that time played a whole new level of BALLSY cricket.

And yes, given the fact Indian subcontinent was ruled by British colonialism and many of us regularly suffered racism (especially me from South Africa) or others when they went to Australia and England, is it that much of a damn stretch they were releasing glee and schadenfreude to see them get their pants peed? And one would expect a fellow brethren to empathize about someone like me or others who repeatedly was subject of racism... but hey to his to his own agenda. After all compassion and neutrality is really some pesky details that gets in the way of justice and peace.

With due all respect So...er Shubho you are not the only one who is enlightened with repercussions of the aftermath of '71. Anyone on this planet world - be it rickshawpuller or a house maid- is endowed with consciousness and anyone with a scintilla and iota of consciousness is aware of the fact what took place and can make and think on their own without having Le Elite dictate how the rest of the mankind should behave.

Thank you very much. Frankly the fact that YOU don't see these fans were celebrating white folks going down by brown actually smacks of self-loathing and inferiority complex. You wanna talk about inferiority complex? Let's talk about inferiority complex. Hows that for inferiority complex?

I would attempt a full rebuttal if I knew which points of my post you are disputing. Alas, I have re-read your post twice and am none the wiser.

I also don't understand the "...err Shubho" comment. What am I meant to infer from that?

If you want to paint your face with the chaand-taara of Pakistan, wear the Pakistan jersey and wrap yourself in the Pakistan flag, go for it. It's a free(ish) country.

But I am free to judge you for that as well, thank you very much.
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Old November 23, 2017, 12:30 PM
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His nonsensical psychiatric diagnosis aside, I can see where the guy's coming from. Nothing makes me more sick than seeing a Bangladeshi support[Pakistanis]. But it's got more to do with general Bangladeshis being ignorant af on this matter and less to do with Pakistan.

Last edited by kalpurush; November 23, 2017 at 06:03 PM.. Reason: Edited [...]
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Old November 23, 2017, 01:15 PM
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For what its worth in Michael Jordan's documentary his father reminded him what black people have undergone but warned him: "I don't want you to hold on to it; it'd affect your performance."

I don't think our citizens are so inept and nincompoop that we forget our history. Rather it is our love and passion for the game that transcendence politics and cruelty.

THAT I'd laud. That I find worthy of salute. As they say in zen, your mind should be mu. Not blank, but also not not blank. Slightest grief, grudge, judgement will throw you off balance.

Shubho, let's agree to disagree. Here it is day of thanksgiving. I wish you a fantastic day. Take care mate.

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Old November 23, 2017, 01:17 PM
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I also don't understand the "...err Shubho" comment. What am I meant to infer from that?
I was going to write Son of Ra everytime, but decided against it.. Believe it or not, sanity prevailed. ;]

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