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Old August 27, 2018, 03:22 PM
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Originally Posted by tonmoy.dhaka
Now that the Eid and the feast are over.. Let me bring about some of the more troubling facts which are never taught in Schools (in Bangladesh) or discussed in mosques about the festival.

1/ There is no biblical ......

work even more challenging.
Before you ask more questions, you need to understand some fundamentals first. You have to understand where you are coming from and where Islam is coming from.

When God asks humans to 'think' in the Quran, according to Shaykh Dr. Yasir Qadhi's research, He does so in four different categories. Dr. Qadhi collected all verses from the Quran where God asks to think and deduced them into four different categories - Two for non-believers, and two for believers. For the sake of brevity, I will not quote any example for each category. Examples are aplenty.

As for the non believers, God wants them to think about

- the existence and oneness of God through looking at and contemplating over the creation
- if Muhammad (S) was a true prophet

As for the believers, God wants them

- to ponder over the marvelous creation of God, not to prove God's existence, but rather to increase in their own faith
- to think about the Quran and its verses and benefit from them (by learning its tafseer, tajweed, and all other related sciences)

Now, for anyone who is a non-believer, he has to think broadly about the oneness of God and the truthfulness of Muhammad (S)'s prophethood. If you are not convinced of these two fundamental pillars of Islam (ie the testimony of faith), whatever question you ask thereafter, no one can give you a satisfactory answer. These questions are pointless.

Whatever is not making sense to you, like the splitting of moon, the polytheists being impure etc, they make sense to the believers, because they are assured about the oneness of God and the veracity of Muhammad's (S) prophet-hood. Thus, whatever follows authentically from him, the Muslims accept.

At the end of the day, you have to remember that Islam is primarily based on submission. In fact the meaning of Islam is submission. And when you submit, you have to submit physically, mentally, spiritually, and even intellectually in some aspects. Yes, God and His Messenger did not tell us the WHY and HOW of everything. If He did, every human being would have understood everything and submitted, and this worldly life would cease to be a test of submission (belief) or rejection (disbelief).

But from where you are coming, the question remains: Is Islam a religion of no rationality?

Note that you are not the first person in history who is saying your intellect is unable to understand/comprehend/digest/make sense of some aspects of Islam. It happened before. At the beginning of Islam, a strand of Islamic theology did not understand the names and attributes of God. Another strand could not make sense of Hell and Paradise, and rejected these entities as allegorical. Today we cannot understand issue X. Tomorrow another group will not understand issue Y. As Dr. Qadhi says, the puzzle remains the same, only the pieces change.

This problem of intellect not comprehending some aspects of Islam (or scripture) was succinctly summarized by the Ashari scholars of medieval Islam. The problem can be summarized as follows:

Since intellect (or reason) is used to understand or comprehend the overall validity and veracity of Scripture (ie both revelation and the prophethood and prophetic traditions), what if intellect cannot make sense of certain aspects of the scripture? If such clash arises, what should be given preference? Intellect or scripture?

According to the Ashari scholars, if such clash arises, intellect must be given precedence. Since a human understands the overall veracity of revelation through intellect, according to Ashari scholars, rejecting intellect in a smaller clash of reason vs revelation shall tantamount to rejecting the truth, since it was the faculty of reason that guided the person to the truth in the first place.

Now this conclusion has been thoroughly debunked by Ibn Taymiyya. And this was the topic of Dr. Qadhi's dissertation.

A few points about Ibn Taymiyya's counter argument:

First and foremost, God and all His messengers presented Islam to humankind not from rationality but from the perspective of innate natural disposition of human souls (known as fitra in arabic). God said He took all souls from the loin on Adam, and asked them, "Am I not your Lord?" All of us said, "Yes". Because of this covenant with God, human souls have some ingrained knowledge, through which they know objective moral truths. We don't need any proof- from this inner disposition and ingrained knowledge, we just know that killing is wrong, stealing is evil. Similarly, it is due to inner disposition, majority of Muslims believe and know Islam to be true. Because both this disposition and Islam came from the same source.

Second, inner disposition/ingrained knowledge is given to all human beings in same quantity. It is same for a farmer in a rural area and a particle physicist in USA.

Third, per Taymiyya, the truth of Scripture is independent of human intellect. Because there is no proper definition of human intellect. What is human intellect? Is it acquired knowledge? Is it observation? Intellect varies from time to time, culture to culture, place to place, and person to person. What makes sense to you today may not make sense to you tomorrow. What does not make sense today might make sense tomorrow. Thus, a faculty that is always changing and fickle cannot be used to reject any aspect of scripture even if it is unable to comprehend.

Fourth, if your intellect does not affirm the truthfulness of prophethood and scripture overall (the key here is overall), then all other follow up questions about various aspects of scripture are meaningless. The revelation has 6000+ verses, and the prophetic tradition has over 600 hundred thousands of hadiths, and if someone tries to make sense of each and everyone of them per his or her intellect, he or she will never accept Islam, because definitely something will not make sense to the intellect. On the other hand, if someone affirms the scripture and the prophethood to be true, then he too cannot reject some aspects of Islam if it does not make sense, because in that case, he will self-contradict himself. The same intellect that has affirmed the veracity of scripture will attempt to reject an aspect of the same scripture, and it is nothing but intellect contradicting intellect and this makes no sense.

Fifth, through the story of Genesis (the islamic version), the tension between reason and revelation was highlighted from the very beginning of creation. God commanded Satan to bow before Adam. It did not make sense to him. Per his intellect, he was better than Adam because he was made of fire whereas Adam was made of clay. God did not accept Satan's rational thinking but rather expelled him as a disbeliever and cursed him. At the same time, God did not explain the wisdom behind His command either. On the other hand, when Adam disobeyed God, instead of asking what difference eating an apple makes, he simply accepted his mistake, and he was forgiven. God clearly highlighted that first you understand the truth of Islam through your innate disposition, and thereafter, it is all about submission. If you submit, you will be rewarded with eternal bliss, and if not, you will get eternal punishment. It is very deterministic - either you accept this package or you don't.
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Old August 27, 2018, 03:39 PM
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Dude you take Islam too literally. Instead of parroting out some scholar's idea why don't YOU put your spin and interpretation? Learn Arabic at least.

Iqra. Thanks.

I didn't read that long post. Why should I if I can go to direct source?

Question authority. Use the intellect that Allah gave you to draw your own conclusions.

Or else on Day of Judgement you will be no different than soldiers who blindly follow orders.
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Old August 27, 2018, 03:57 PM
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And you seem to use a lot of "should" words.

-one has to
-one must
-non believers must

No. I or for that matter anyone
does not "have to" do anything. Why do you start off with that assumption?

What's your philosophical and metaphysical underpinning and foundation? Islam?

My ain't that a vicious spin. Have you studied Torah and Gita with Torah and Gita's words as guiding principle?

Frankly piggybacking on others won't save you from hell fire. LOL

But you will protest. They are the expert. But why didn't YOU become the expert? God will ask.

That's intellectual laziness in my opinion. These so called scholar's and experts had the same resources as you and I and they started from scratch. But you are just bypassing off them.

Start from scratch.

As Drake said 'started from the bottom now we here... Started from the bottom now we here."


Also I don't like the insult Islamophobe. That smacks as if you have ... Not you as in in general you have some ownership over that religion just cuz you got chaap daari and strike your head against the floor.

Allah. God. Ywvh is too big for one some random guy to come in a gazillion years timeline and presumptiously assume Allah will automatically side with you just cuz cosmetically you ' speak' Islam.

No one owns Allah.

Besides that's just plain ol deflection. That's like saying Zeeshan you don't pray
You don't fast. You make fun of "us" and thus you got no right to rip Islam apart.

Well guess what? &&&& You. That's egregiously borderline racist as saying you are a second class citizen and you got no right whatsoever to criticize "our" government.

p.s. Just to be clear and that I am not being passive-aggressive, I know iDumb used the word islamophobe but it wasn't an attack on him. My beef was with anyone who try to discount "us" with deflection.

Heh. Now you know "we" say religion -all religion- is a form of control and manipulation by elite. This is why as an Islamic imam said in South Africa. Be like the sugar in water. They can't see you, but can taste you. Religious teachings are not inherently bad but when hijacked by few elite authorities...

Last edited by Zeeshan; August 27, 2018 at 05:19 PM..
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Old August 27, 2018, 03:59 PM
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Lol shardul chachu bhikari dorbesh er besh ey naki..

See I can say that now because I am no longer a staff.
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Old August 27, 2018, 07:51 PM
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Instead of addressing the idea presented, you Zeeshan are parroting on about how the idea is from someone else. lol. All ideas we read, learn and observe are all "parroted" off someone else in the past.

You ironically are showing intellectual laziness by actually addressing what is being said. It takes time, effort and intellectual ability to read, conceptualise and understand what scholars have said in the past, something which is what ToBeFair has done.

And frankly in any field of study you read what the best of scholars have said in that field. Ibn Sina famously tried reading Greek manuscripts on his own and said he spent months and he didn't conceptualise any of it. Then he read Al-Farabi's stuff and he said got it straight away.
Boys In The Cave - Reviving Islamic Intellectual Discourse. Check out the links below. boysinthecave.com
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Old August 27, 2018, 10:37 PM
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^^Bhai you are 100% right. I anticipated it fully. My defense ? I am supposed to be the flawed one The kufr. Not only that I am logically inconsistent and I embrace my hypocrisy. I said I won't reply but made four posts. Point being... I internalized my own logic instead of traditional one. Mine is rife with paradox. Ki mia Lau su tau su dekhi kisui poro na... Troll logic jeta arki

You know how Joker lies about his scar. How Reddington is full of spite and cold blooded killer yet he adheres to values, integrity, loyalty. How Hannibal justifies himself philosophically. Or Jigsaw plays God.

Psychopath logic jeta bole thaki amra...

Oi level ey jete chachi.. NOT BC Aunty.
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Old August 28, 2018, 08:00 AM
tonmoy.dhaka tonmoy.dhaka is offline
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Originally Posted by ToBeFair
Before you ask more questions, you need to understand some fundamentals first. You have to understand where you are coming from and where Islam is coming from.

When God asks humans to 'think' in the Quran, according to Shaykh Dr. Yasir Qadhi's research, He does so in four different categories. Dr. Qadhi collected all verses from the Quran where God asks to think and deduced them into four different categories - Two for non-believers, and two for believers. For the sake of brevity, I will not quote any example for each category. Examples are aplenty.

As for the non believers, God wants them to think about

- the existence and oneness of God through looking at and contemplating over the creation
- if Muhammad (S) was a true prophet

As for the believers, God wants them

- to ponder over the marvelous creation of God, not to prove God's existence, but rather to increase in their own faith
- to think about the Quran and its verses and benefit from them (by learning its tafseer, tajweed, and all other related sciences)

Now, for anyone who is a non-believer, he has to think broadly about the oneness of God and the truthfulness of Muhammad (S)'s prophethood. If you are not convinced of these two fundamental pillars of Islam (ie the testimony of faith), whatever question you ask thereafter, no one can give you a satisfactory answer. These questions are pointless.

Whatever is not making sense to you, like the splitting of moon, the polytheists being impure etc, they make sense to the believers, because they are assured about the oneness of God and the veracity of Muhammad's (S) prophet-hood. Thus, whatever follows authentically from him, the Muslims accept.

At the end of the day, you have to remember that Islam is primarily based on submission. In fact the meaning of Islam is submission. And when you submit, you have to submit physically, mentally, spiritually, and even intellectually in some aspects. Yes, God and His Messenger did not tell us the WHY and HOW of everything. If He did, every human being would have understood everything and submitted, and this worldly life would cease to be a test of submission (belief) or rejection (disbelief).

But from where you are coming, the question remains: Is Islam a religion of no rationality?

Note that you are not the first person in history who is saying your intellect is unable to understand/comprehend/digest/make sense of some aspects of Islam. It happened before. At the beginning of Islam, a strand of Islamic theology did not understand the names and attributes of God. Another strand could not make sense of Hell and Paradise, and rejected these entities as allegorical. Today we cannot understand issue X. Tomorrow another group will not understand issue Y. As Dr. Qadhi says, the puzzle remains the same, only the pieces change.

This problem of intellect not comprehending some aspects of Islam (or scripture) was succinctly summarized by the Ashari scholars of medieval Islam. The problem can be summarized as follows:

Since intellect (or reason) is used to understand or comprehend the overall validity and veracity of Scripture (ie both revelation and the prophethood and prophetic traditions), what if intellect cannot make sense of certain aspects of the scripture? If such clash arises, what should be given preference? Intellect or scripture?

According to the Ashari scholars, if such clash arises, intellect must be given precedence. Since a human understands the overall veracity of revelation through intellect, according to Ashari scholars, rejecting intellect in a smaller clash of reason vs revelation shall tantamount to rejecting the truth, since it was the faculty of reason that guided the person to the truth in the first place.

Now this conclusion has been thoroughly debunked by Ibn Taymiyya. And this was the topic of Dr. Qadhi's dissertation.

A few points about Ibn Taymiyya's counter argument:

First and foremost, God and all His messengers presented Islam to humankind not from rationality but from the perspective of innate natural disposition of human souls (known as fitra in arabic). God said He took all souls from the loin on Adam, and asked them, "Am I not your Lord?" All of us said, "Yes". Because of this covenant with God, human souls have some ingrained knowledge, through which they know objective moral truths. We don't need any proof- from this inner disposition and ingrained knowledge, we just know that killing is wrong, stealing is evil. Similarly, it is due to inner disposition, majority of Muslims believe and know Islam to be true. Because both this disposition and Islam came from the same source.

Second, inner disposition/ingrained knowledge is given to all human beings in same quantity. It is same for a farmer in a rural area and a particle physicist in USA.

Third, per Taymiyya, the truth of Scripture is independent of human intellect. Because there is no proper definition of human intellect. What is human intellect? Is it acquired knowledge? Is it observation? Intellect varies from time to time, culture to culture, place to place, and person to person. What makes sense to you today may not make sense to you tomorrow. What does not make sense today might make sense tomorrow. Thus, a faculty that is always changing and fickle cannot be used to reject any aspect of scripture even if it is unable to comprehend.

Fourth, if your intellect does not affirm the truthfulness of prophethood and scripture overall (the key here is overall), then all other follow up questions about various aspects of scripture are meaningless. The revelation has 6000+ verses, and the prophetic tradition has over 600 hundred thousands of hadiths, and if someone tries to make sense of each and everyone of them per his or her intellect, he or she will never accept Islam, because definitely something will not make sense to the intellect. On the other hand, if someone affirms the scripture and the prophethood to be true, then he too cannot reject some aspects of Islam if it does not make sense, because in that case, he will self-contradict himself. The same intellect that has affirmed the veracity of scripture will attempt to reject an aspect of the same scripture, and it is nothing but intellect contradicting intellect and this makes no sense.

Fifth, through the story of Genesis (the islamic version), the tension between reason and revelation was highlighted from the very beginning of creation. God commanded Satan to bow before Adam. It did not make sense to him. Per his intellect, he was better than Adam because he was made of fire whereas Adam was made of clay. God did not accept Satan's rational thinking but rather expelled him as a disbeliever and cursed him. At the same time, God did not explain the wisdom behind His command either. On the other hand, when Adam disobeyed God, instead of asking what difference eating an apple makes, he simply accepted his mistake, and he was forgiven. God clearly highlighted that first you understand the truth of Islam through your innate disposition, and thereafter, it is all about submission. If you submit, you will be rewarded with eternal bliss, and if not, you will get eternal punishment. It is very deterministic - either you accept this package or you don't.

Last edited by tonmoy.dhaka; August 28, 2018 at 10:20 AM..
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Old August 28, 2018, 08:08 AM
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Hey Tonmoy...

I am willing to give a fair shot to Islam but then I see you mention Taubah and I google it and I get your sentiment. I am more curious as how did the subsequent players like Ghazzali and Farabi - fully KNOWING the caustic judgmental tone- embraced their inner peace and reconciled their inner intuitive faith with scripture faith.

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Old August 28, 2018, 08:20 AM
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akhon amar dharana hoche tumi boishaa boisha bachanallia tacchanaalia korba, shorpo puja korba, ummad hoyia ulongo hoyiaa mataaal hoia chondrima uddyan e giya nachba, ekchetia lgbt kore beraba, party drug induced rave party korba dionysius hall e giya, incest mincest korba (*NOT incel).... tayle shabhbik Allah t'allah mind korbe. tumake kichui bolaa jabe na... eta to hoy na.

I mean we are SO entrenched in US/West logic that progressive/liberals think anything goes. Take marijuana for example. Not a single forward thinking lib wills say weed is 'bad'. But if not in moderation anything is damaging. Same with LGBT. Tumi parade kore kore sharadin nacha nacha korba, tayle to officey kono kaaaji agabe na.

So imagine a book is revealed that vilifies clubbing, twerking, Cardi B and weed. We will all throw a hissy fit since we are so entrenched in so-called Western ideals. But that book might have a point.

(Once in a English class in a purely liberal Cali they asked if there was a person from wicca sitting in class, will it bother me? I said yes. And they started grilling me. Arreeey beta tora tolerant hou tolerant hou bolish, tayle amar perspective ta tolerant na kan.)

So given that context I can imagine why the needle will sway on the other side. (Ancillaryly Buddha might have said life is suffering just so we dont live under the impression it's all carpe diem live it up.)

Anything does NOT go. Tayle ki incest korao ok? Arrey forget about Arab desh. You talk about niqab and burkha. Then tell me... tell me...if you are sooooooooooooooo progressive then why can't you walk around nude in West?

This is a very interesting point. I really want to know how folks resolved it regarding views on polytheism.

Again these are purely my interpretation.


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Last edited by Zeeshan; August 28, 2018 at 09:35 AM..
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Old August 28, 2018, 09:46 AM
tonmoy.dhaka tonmoy.dhaka is offline
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Originally Posted by Zeeshan
Hey Tonmoy...

I am willing to give a fair shot to Islam but then I see you mention Taubah and I google it and I get your sentiment. I am more curious as how did the subsequent players like Ghazzali and Farabi - fully KNOWING the caustic judgmental tone- embraced their inner peace and reconciled their inner intuitive faith with scripture faith.
I know about them, but I will be the first person to admit that I have not read their published materials. So I am not the right person to comment on the subject.

What I can state however is that Imam Al Ghazali embraced Sufism which is frowned upon by the Sunni Muslims.
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Old August 28, 2018, 10:02 AM
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I tried to stay away as much as possible.

It is okay to discuss religion, theology, history and politics associated with it. It is also okay to disagree and share your point of views.

But I strongly believe it is NOT okay to insinuate and suggest Nazism is akin to Islam. or with any religion. or paganism.

Finally, the talking about theology and religion is every single thread is quiet tiring.

This is a eid mubarak thread and we end up talking about Nazis and Islam. I go to Hinduism thread and we end talking about Islam. I go to Rohingya thread and yes I am seeing comment about Islam and its violent nature. If I remember correctly, we were talking about gun violence in US and we go off to Islam lol. I comment on India's false claim of Illegal Bangladeshis thread and guess what I end up talking about...Islam and mullahs (not to be confused with Mamadullah Riyad).

I came here to say Eid Mubaraks to other members and somehow scratching my head how Nazis came into this.

And the fact that oh yeah I am from Dhaka and from a muslim family (unverified) doesn't give me the license to be insensitive. Its like saying oh yeah I can say the N word coz I had a black friend in my high school gym class.

we get it bruh! you are just allergic to it. years of pattern is unmistakable.

and I am not even remotely religious. peace out!

zeeshan nischoy ekhon amare pochabe eita niya
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Old August 28, 2018, 10:19 AM
tonmoy.dhaka tonmoy.dhaka is offline
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Originally Posted by mufi_02
I tried to stay away as much as possible.

It is okay to discuss religion, theology, history and politics associated with it. It is also okay to disagree and share your point of views.

But I strongly believe it is NOT okay to insinuate and suggest Nazism is akin to Islam. or with any religion. or paganism.

Finally, the talking about theology and religion is every single thread is quiet tiring.

This is a eid mubarak thread and we end up talking about Nazis and Islam. I go to Hinduism thread and we end talking about Islam. I go to Rohingya thread and yes I am seeing comment about Islam and its violent nature. If I remember correctly, we were talking about gun violence in US and we go off to Islam lol. I comment on India's false claim of Illegal Bangladeshis thread and guess what I end up talking about...Islam and mullahs (not to be confused with Mamadullah Riyad).

I came here to say Eid Mubaraks to other members and somehow scratching my head how Nazis came into this.

And the fact that oh yeah I am from Dhaka and from a muslim family (unverified) doesn't give me the license to be insensitive. Its like saying oh yeah I can say the N word coz I had a black friend in my high school gym class.

we get it bruh! you are just allergic to it. years of pattern is unmistakable.

and I am not even remotely religious. peace out!

zeeshan nischoy ekhon amare pochabe eita niya
Agreed.. I will delete my previous post.
I will stick to asking question instead of making a comment without much explanation.

Also, by stating "unverified" you are saying I might not be telling the truth. That is absolutely fine. I am not ultra sensitive. A fact is not changed by what people say.

If I say certain teachings of Budhism is akin to Nazism, than you will not call is insinuating. You would call me Mentally ill. Because there is no truth in the claim. People only get mad and frustrated when there is truth in the claim.

I would request people do not become ultra sensitive. Quran teaches polytheists are unclean, it also teaches you to not be a hypocrite. So I suggest, the next time you interact with a polytheist, you tell him how you feel about him. See how he reacts.
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Old August 28, 2018, 10:58 AM
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Originally Posted by mufi_02
I tried to stay away as much as possible.

It is okay to discuss religion, theology, history and politics associated with it. It is also okay to disagree and share your point of views.

But I strongly believe it is NOT okay to insinuate and suggest Nazism is akin to Islam. or with any religion. or paganism.

Finally, the talking about theology and religion is every single thread is quiet tiring.

This is a eid mubarak thread and we end up talking about Nazis and Islam. I go to Hinduism thread and we end talking about Islam. I go to Rohingya thread and yes I am seeing comment about Islam and its violent nature. If I remember correctly, we were talking about gun violence in US and we go off to Islam lol. I comment on India's false claim of Illegal Bangladeshis thread and guess what I end up talking about...Islam and mullahs (not to be confused with Mamadullah Riyad).

I came here to say Eid Mubaraks to other members and somehow scratching my head how Nazis came into this.

And the fact that oh yeah I am from Dhaka and from a muslim family (unverified) doesn't give me the license to be insensitive. Its like saying oh yeah I can say the N word coz I had a black friend in my high school gym class.

we get it bruh! you are just allergic to it. years of pattern is unmistakable.

and I am not even remotely religious. peace out!

zeeshan nischoy ekhon amare pochabe eita niya
Damn right I will.

I used one apt analogy which in no way, shape or form compared Islam with Nazism and you write a thesis.

Do not gaslight.
Do not deflect.
Do not tempt me.

If you are too dumb to get what I write that's your problem.

But don't for a moment gaslight which you and your Jackson 5 friends are more than capable of.

Whoever you take me for I am not him.

Let's just leave it at that.

And what part of starting a new offshoot thread you don't get?

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Old August 28, 2018, 11:04 AM
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If you and your friends have something to say say it straight like a man instead of passive- aggressive way after your group therapy conference. Cuz I know you get together in your petty Jackson 5 group and discuss us behind our back.

Do not instigate and there will be nothing to be instigated about.
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Old August 28, 2018, 11:10 AM
tonmoy.dhaka tonmoy.dhaka is offline
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Originally Posted by Zeeshan
If you and your friends have something to say say it straight like a man instead of passive- aggressive way after your group therapy conference. Cuz I know you get together in your petty Jackson 5 group and discuss us behind our back.

Do not instigate and there will be nothing to be instigated about.
You are hilarious
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Old August 28, 2018, 11:13 AM
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Ek dike mainshe dari rakhe namaz roja kore oidike boisha boisha mainsher pise gibt kore, kutnami kore politics kore... Ekek Jon nijere sadhu money kore Khali kaba Sharif er poster lagaise bole.

In Islam it is explicitly mentioned if there are 3 people 2 shouldn't gather and discuss about him behind his back.

These are values.
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Old August 28, 2018, 11:21 AM
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Alhamdulillah came back from Hajj. it was quite an experience...
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Old August 28, 2018, 12:12 PM
adamnsu adamnsu is offline
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Originally Posted by Rifat
Alhamdulillah came back from Hajj. it was quite an experience...
Hajj Mubarak. InshahAllah hope you and orher’s Hajj are accepted.

My brother in law and his wife arriving early hours of tomorrow
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Old August 28, 2018, 12:54 PM
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Originally Posted by Zeeshan
Damn right I will.

I used one apt analogy which in no way, shape or form compared Islam with Nazism and you write a thesis.

Do not gaslight.
Do not deflect.
Do not tempt me.

If you are too dumb to get what I write that's your problem.

But don't for a moment gaslight which you and your Jackson 5 friends are more than capable of.

Whoever you take me for I am not him.

Let's just leave it at that.

And what part of starting a new offshoot thread you don't get?
LOL it wasn't directed at you. But I missed your comebacks! Ah reminds me off the good old days.

And to Tonmoy, no offense intended. You should feel free to share your opinions and theology discussions. I am not even a mod and so my word has little value and can ignore me.

Belated Eid Mubarak to whoever was celebrating. I will be cooking some mangsho this weekend
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Old August 28, 2018, 01:28 PM
tonmoy.dhaka tonmoy.dhaka is offline
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Originally Posted by mufi_02
LOL it wasn't directed at you. But I missed your comebacks! Ah reminds me off the good old days.

And to Tonmoy, no offense intended. You should feel free to share your opinions and theology discussions. I am not even a mod and so my word has little value and can ignore me.

Belated Eid Mubarak to whoever was celebrating. I will be cooking some mangsho this weekend
If your argument is logically sound than it is valuable. Being a mod or not has very little to do with it.
The only reason I deleted my post was because I believed that there was merit in your post.

I have been with BC for few years now (not many), I have lost a lot of interest in cricket in this time, so my only post these days involve religion (since I feel strongly about it). However as much as you may dislike what I write, I have never been warned or banned by the mods because I know the boundaries permitted by the forum rules.

Enjoy the mangsho!! Not sure anyone is still celebrating eid, but since u r so Eid mubarak.
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Old August 28, 2018, 02:07 PM
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Originally Posted by tonmoy.dhaka
If your argument is logically sound than it is valuable. Being a mod or not has very little to do with it.
The only reason I deleted my post was because I believed that there was merit in your post.

I have been with BC for few years now (not many), I have lost a lot of interest in cricket in this time, so my only post these days involve religion (since I feel strongly about it). However as much as you may dislike what I write, I have never been warned or banned by the mods because I know the boundaries permitted by the forum rules.

Enjoy the mangsho!! Not sure anyone is still celebrating eid, but since u r so Eid mubarak.
I won't comment on mod's policy. I leave whats allowed or not upto them. Doesn't matter if I like or dislike really.

eid mubarak to you too.
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Old August 28, 2018, 02:09 PM
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Originally Posted by adamnsu
Hajj Mubarak. InshahAllah hope you and orher’s Hajj are accepted.

My brother in law and his wife arriving early hours of tomorrow
thanks...There is nothing sweeter than Du'a getting accepted by Allah even when it seems "impossible". I lost my phone which had my driver's license and debit card. Alhamdulillah. I got it back right before my flight!
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Old August 28, 2018, 02:16 PM
adamnsu adamnsu is offline
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Originally Posted by Rifat
thanks...There is nothing sweeter than Du'a getting accepted by Allah even when it seems "impossible". I lost my phone which had my driver's license and debit card. Alhamdulillah. I got it back right before my flight!
SubanAllah! What a way to end Hajj. Thanks for sharing
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Old August 28, 2018, 02:57 PM
iDumb iDumb is offline
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Originally Posted by Rifat
Alhamdulillah came back from Hajj. it was quite an experience...
Congratulations Rifat. I expect a detailed post in a different thread maybe. THis has been hijacked and I think I am partly to be blamed also.
Life is short. Have an affair.
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Old August 28, 2018, 03:18 PM
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Originally Posted by tonmoy.dhaka

What I can state however is that Imam Al Ghazali embraced Sufism which is frowned upon by the Sunni Muslims.
I don't think this is necessarily true. There are Shias who are sufi and Sunnis that are sufi. Sufism is just an ethereal take on whatever aqeedah (faith principle, Sunni/Shia/etc) one already has. So a Shia sufi might believe for example that one can become attuned to the will of the 12 Imams whilst a Sunni sufi might believe the same about the Rashidun caliphate.

For example I know a sufi who follows the Maliki madhab of Sunni Islam (ie he's a sunni), but he's also a sufi because he believes, or at least talks of, things like wilaya, tariqas, etc.

from wikipedia:

Although the overwhelming majority of Sufis, both pre-modern and modern, were and are adherents of Sunni Islam, there also developed certain strands of Sufi practice within the ambit of Shia Islam during the late medieval period.[5] Although Sufis were opposed to dry legalism, they strictly observed Islamic law and belonged to various schools of Islamic jurisprudence and theology.[15]
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