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Old December 22, 2009, 07:37 PM
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Default "Just what the doctor ordered..."

As your hature doctor/kobiraji here is my Rx to the team. Post your memo for the upcoming series...

Patanjali's Yogi Sutras mention that after practising years and years of meditation/yogasutra one honing her level of concentration she ultimately attains the following Siddhis. Of course, in the dynamic world of cricket a person cannot devote that much hermetic time so I have decided to put some scientific elements to it. Yes, on surface they are like black magic or pseudoscience, but then again as Arthur C. Clarke maintained: "any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic." So if Houdini could make elephant disappear through misdirection or Dedi of ancient Egypt could entertain pharaoh by reattaching a severed ibis head to the decapitated body, then by certain stagecraft we can make these illusions come alive.

Here are the 23 Siddhis and my application to them in the battlefield. (Alternate link.)

  1. Knowledge of the past, present and future. "Incas regarded space and time as a single concept, named pacha (Quechua: pacha, Aymara: pacha), long before the Europeans. The peoples of the Andes have kept this understanding until now. The idea of a unified spacetime is stated by Edgar Allan Poe in his essay on cosmology titled Eureka (1848) that "Space and duration are one." In 1895, in his novel The Time Machine, H.G. Wells wrote, "There is no difference between time and any of the three dimensions of space except that our consciousness moves along it."

    "Non-theological uses of Omniscience
    Omniscience is also studied in game theory, where it is not necessarily an advantageous quality if one's omniscience is a published fact. For example, in the game of chicken: two people each drive a car towards the other. The first to swerve to avoid a collision loses. In such a game, the optimal outcome is to have your opponent swerve. The worst outcome is when nobody swerves. But if A knows that B is in fact omniscient, then A will simply decide to never swerve since A knows B will know A's logical decision and B will be forced to swerve to avoid a collision — this is assuming each player is logical and follows optimal strategy."
    (Same in jousting?)

    Thus on the path on being omniscient you have to sacrifice your wisdom for others and view yourself like a trapped pawn in an omniscient net of opponent. Then and only then will your latent creative sparks will fly.

  2. To go beyond duality of good and evil, white and black, high or low, etc. How can a batsman not get out? Consider the following story:
    Herrigel wrote the following about martial arts weapons fighting: "One of the personal guards of the Shogun one day came to Tajima−no-kami wishing to be trained in fencing. The master said: 'As I observe, you seem to be a master of fencing yourself. Pray tell me to what school you belong, before we enter into the relationship of teacher and pupil.' The guardsman said, 'I am ashamed to confess that I have never learned the art.' 'Are you trying to fool me? I am teacher to the honorable Shogun himself, and I know my judging eye never fails.' 'I am sorry to defy your honour, but I really know nothing.'

    "This resolute denial on the part of the visitor made the swordsmaster think for a while, and he finally said, 'If you say so, it must be so; but still I am sure you are a master of something, though I do not know of what.' 'If you insist, I will tell you. There is one thing of which I can say I am complete master. When I was still a boy, the thought came upon me that as a Samurai I ought in no circumstances to be afraid of death, and I have grappled with the problem of death now for some years, and finally the problem of death ceased to worry me. May this be at what you hint?' 'Exactly!' exclaimed Tajima−no−kami. 'That is what I mean. I am glad that I made no mistake in my judgment. For the ultimate secrets of swordsmanship also lie in being released from the thought of death. I have trained ever so many hundreds of my pupils along this line, but so far none of them really deserve the final certificate for swordsmanship. You need no technical training, you are already a master.'" Source
    From prophet Mohammad (pbuh) to the Japanese ronins advised and followed the practising of thinking death every moment of the day. Once a player subconsciously learns to do that, concentrates on each and every ball, playing at it's own merit, and without every being preoccupied with thoughts of 'death' then and only then he comes closer to Sehwag/Dilshan/Lara/Waugh like Immortally mammoth innings.

  3. Knowledge of the dreams and the mind. CIA Remote Viewing Program and Precognition Studies

  4. Control of the effect of fire, wind, poison, weapons, sun. We have already started doing it with a foreign curator. So cross that out of the list.

  5. Invincibility. Men like Bradman gave such an 'aura' of invincibility that people actually had to employ the bodyline bowling. Sure statistics backed up but still he has become like a mythical figure of folklore. Now it is possible that without using Goebellsian propaganda of ads and journalism one can tweak the statistics to break open an enemy's stronghold. I haven't read (yet) Huff's How to Lie with Statistics but found these links helpful. Link1 Link2 Link3

  6. To go beyond the effects of old age and death. Ah...the topic of all important health. In Richard Leviton's Brain Builder's author litters the book with these curious tips:
    • He mentions how calamus root can calm the mind, antioxidants like green tea to ward of free radicals which has ginseng (elixir of life), gotu kola, gingko bilboa, ephedra sinice (reputedly gives a cerebral boost "worth several espressros"), epimedium sagittatum (horny goat weed) for blood circulation, nutmeg and milk for better sleep, microalgae like spirulina and chlorella, bee pollen, skullcap, oyester shell... Read the goddamned book. :P

      Underwater swimming for brain benefit.

      He stresses the importance of ayurveda and says how beryl or ruby can be worn for a smarter state of mind. Drinking goldwater for brain building tonic. According to the Ayurveda, "energy imprint or 'electronic energy'" will pass into the water.

      Whirling for better brain power.

      "Best tranquilizers come from flowers." Flowers like gentian, gorse, milkweed, sagebrush, wild oat, borage, mustard, hornbeam are helpful in self-esteem, frustration, depression issues.
  7. Bionic earsight. "The human ear can perceive frequencies from 16 cycles per second, which is a very deep bass, to 28,000 cycles per second, which is a very high pitch. Bats and dolphins can detect frequencies higher than 100,000 cycles per second. The human ear can detect pitch changes as small as 3 hundredths of one percent of the original frequency in some frequency ranges. Some people have "perfect pitch", which is the ability to map a tone precisely on the musical scale without reference to an external standard. It is estimated that less than one in ten thousand people have perfect pitch, but speakers of tonal languages like Vietnamese and Mandarin show remarkably precise absolute pitch in reading out lists of words because pitch is an essential feature in conveying the meaning of words in tone languages. The Eguchi Method teaches perfect pitch to children starting before they are 4 years old. After age 7, the ability to recognize notes does not improve much." (citation).

  8. Omnivision. Ocean's 11 -এর মতন হয়ত একটি ক্যাসিনো artificially recreate করা যাবে না। কিন্তু আপনি যেহেতু এক নামকরা খেলয়ার তাহলে আপনি একটি কক্ষ ভারা করে সেখানে পুরা wall by wall mural প্লাস্টার (দর্শক, কমেন্ট্রি বক্স সহ) করে এক বেলা বসবাস করতে পারেন। এছারাও পয়শা ধেলে বসুন্ধ্ররায় গিয়ে আপনার প্রিয় ম্যাচটি replay করে উপভগ করতে পারেন। সিনেমা থিয়েটারে গিয়ে আপনি literally খেলার ভিতর ঢুকে বিভিন্ন angle-এ scroll করতে পারেন Google-map-এর মতন। ইহা করিলে আপনার মস্তিস্ক literally অতিন্দ্রিয় খমতা লাভ করিবে।

  9. Teleportation. ক্যাপ্টেনের উচিত প্লেয়ারদের যত বেশি রোটেশন করানো। যতই নামকরা দেশ হউক না কেন...
    অস্ট্রেলিয়া বলুন বা দঃআফ্রিকাই বলুন experience experience-ই। একটা রুকি আফতাব বা আশরাফুলের যেই maturity, যেই veteran স্নায়ু আছে সেটি তাদের short career-এ নেই। I can cite the example of Ashraful's methodical hectoring of Louwvs [sic] of South Africa because he exceeded in his "age of cricket" intelligence. সুতরাং একজন নতুন বাটসমেনের - prodigy হউক যেই হউক- county level থেকে পাশ করা অনেক্ ব্যাপারেই অনজ্ঞ থাকিবে। থাকবে প্রচুর প্রেশার। এই সময়-এ মাঠে কাপ্টেন যদি অযথা প্লেয়ার রোটেট করে হ য ব র ল সৃষ্টি করতে পারে তাহলে মনে হবে যেন প্লেয়াররা এক জায়গা থেকে আরেক জায়গায় টেলিপোর্ট করছে। Call it the Telly Drill ( a la Telly Samad).

  10. Shapeshifting. It helps to learn impressionisms and ventriloquism to impersonate your own teammates and 'throw' all of your voices hither and thither to confuse and disorient the opponents.

  11. Ability to enter another body (dead or alive). Role-playing games, immersing yourself by visiting an unknown land (like snowy Alaska or rainforest or Egyptian pyramidesque deserts, or even living a day in the life of a local chakma, being an extra in Hollywood by being shifted to a different time and zone will literally invert your world and frame of reference.

  12. Die at one's own will (fore knowledge of time of death). পাঠ্যগন যারা Blink! বইটি পারেছেন তাহলে তারা জানবেন কিভাবে intuition কাজ দেয়। অভিজ্ঞ আম্পার-রা intuition-এর উপর বেশির ভাগ মতামত দেন। এই সিদ্ধি আয়ত্তে আনতে হলে প্রত্যেকবার batsman এক লগ বা ডায়েরি রাফতে পারেন। আপনার projected time of death আর actual time of death... আস্তে আস্তে আপনি এর থেকে একটি 'ফিল' develop করবেন যখন statistics এবং আপনার projection মিলতে থাকবে। Remember one of the first skill for anyone on any field to develop is Awareness of certain matters. So much gets lost that we don't pay attention to them...

  13. Clairvoyance. এটি ঐকতা ছারা কিছুই না। হাঁ study করে জানা গেছে যে college dorm-এ মেয়েরা জানতে পারে কারা কারা গর্ভবতি হয়েছে কারন তাদের মেন্সস্ট্র্যূএশন সাইকেল এক হয় কিন্ত পুরুষদের বেলায়? body language expert-রা বলে থাকে যে mating ritual-এ সব প্রজাতির পশু (মানুষ বলুন বা grebe পাখিঁই বলুন), একে অপরকে mimic করে থাকে। এছারাও অনেক বিদেশী টিম orienteering (নৌকা বাইচ বা Regatta উধাহরনস্বরুপ) prescribe করে থাকে synchronization-এর জন্য। অতএব একটি দলের এক সাথে সময় ব্যয় করা জরুর। তাহলে তাদের biorhythm এবং internal clock (breathing rate ও brainwave entrainment) সহ ঐক্যতা অর্জন করে। After all the whole reason behind the simplest things for military from spending time together in barracks to practising in unison is so as to move as a unit for military precision. (Although sometimes it does have it's danger like marching on bridge. But I digress...)

  14. To attain whatever is desired. See #19.

  15. Achieve command and movement that have no obstruction. It is imperative a player can enter the zone at will. Of course, it is advisable that he has a hobby where he can just flow in and prime his muscle memories to trigger the habitual 'in the zone' mode.

    "Flow is the mental state of operation in which the person is fully immersed in what he or she is doing by a feeling of energized focus, full involvement, and success in the process of the activity. Proposed by Mihály Csíkszentmihályi, the positive psychology concept has been widely referenced across a variety of fields. According to Csíkszentmihályi, flow is completely focused motivation. It is a single-minded immersion and represents perhaps the ultimate in harnessing the emotions in the service of performing and learning. In flow the emotions are not just contained and channeled, but positive, energized, and aligned with the task at hand. To be caught in the ennui of depression or the agitation of anxiety is to be barred from flow. The hallmark of flow is a feeling of spontaneous joy, even rapture, while performing a task. Colloquial terms for this or similar mental states include: to be on the ball, in the zone, in the groove, or keeping your head in the game."...

    "The Formula One driver Ayrton Senna, who during qualifying for the 1988 Monaco Grand Prix explained: 'I was already on pole, [...] and I just kept going. Suddenly I was nearly two seconds faster than anybody else, including my team mate with the same car. And suddenly I realised that I was no longer driving the car consciously. I was driving it by a kind of instinct, only I was in a different dimension. It was like I was in a tunnel.'"

  16. Invisibility (Master of stealth). প্রুত্যেক খেলোয়ারদের 'ব্লাইন্ড স্পট' বলে কয়েকটা জায়গা আছে। ধরুন ফাইন লেগ। ব্যাটসমেন-এর এটেনশন এই ফিল্ডারের দিকে নজর কম থাকে। এছারাও এই দিবা-রাত্রি খেলার যুগে, অপরাহ্নে বা অনান্য সময় ক্যাপটেন এমন জায়গায় প্লেয়ার বসাতে পারে যাতে করে সুর্যরশ্মি বা ফ্লাডলাইটের কারনে তারা 'অদৃশ্য' হয়ে থাকে। এছারাও আরেকটি গুরত্বপুর্ন 'কমন সেন্স' ব্যাপার হল motionlessness খেলোয়ার নিজের দিকে আকর্ষন না এনে ও্যৎ পেতে বসে থাকে তাহলে ব্যাটস্-মেন অন্যমনস্ক শট খেলতে বাধ্য হবে তাহার কাছে। কতবারই না আমাদের দৈনিক জীবনে আমরা হাতের কাছে চাবি পাইনা বা বিদেশে বেখেয়ালে রেডলাইট ক্রস করে চলে যাই! তখন কি সেসব কি তাহলে অদৃশ্য হয়? রোদেলা আলোও-এও stadium-এর ছাঁয়ায় প্লেয়ারদের 'camoflague' করে রাঁখা যায়। In Spook Who Sat by the Door the movie observes how a black man with a bucket and mop can enter any place taking advantage of people's psychological blindspot. More on how to be invisible... Link

  17. Ability to make body very heavy (elephantine strength). রবার্ট হ্যুডান ( হুডিনির মেনটর)
    electromagnetism-এর সিক্রেট জানায়, Algeria-এ তার শরীর ভারি করে challenge করেছিল শক্তিশালি বেদুইনদের তাকে উঠাতে। তারাও ফেল করে, যু্ধ্বও দমন হয়। autohypnosis করে খেলোয়াররা মাঠে নামতে পারেন নিজেকে suggestion দিয়ে যে যমের আসর তাহার ভিতর বইছে, ভীমশীতল এনার্জির প্রবাহ বইছে। hypnosis is a powerful tool. হিপনসিস দিয়ে মানুষ surgery থেকে শুরু করে চুল দিয়ে গাড়ি পর্যন্ত টেনেছে।

  18. Ability to make body extremely light (levitation). জন্টি বা জরডানদের লম্ফঝম্ফ যেন অলৌকিক levitation কেও হার মানায়। সত্য মিথ্যা যাচাইএর বাইরে না গিয়ে একটি secret প্রদর্শনী করি। এছারাও আপনারা david blaine-এর balducci method-এর কথা যেনে থাকবেন। (Another link)। মানুষ আদিম যুগ থেকেই প্রকৃতির কে ছারিয়ে যেতে চাইছে। আমরা তো প্রায়ই Tibetan monks-দের কথা শুনে থাকি। কিন্তু খেলার মাঠে কিভাবে এটে কাজে লাগানো যায়? বলডাচি মেথড perspective illusion ছারা আর কিছু না। Hogarth-এর ছবিটি আরেকটি উদাহরন। In order to be a master of illusion, a player must possess rudimentary knowledge of psychology and photography. Not only should he have knowledge like phi phenomenon, Charpentier illusion or Rubin vase in his arsenal, but an adept master of illusions can rig the stadium by careful field setting and ball motion so that once the jolt is released by the fielder an audience will perceive this. Note the absence of shade in the pic.

  19. Ability to acquire any objects of sensual desires. Cricket superstitions abound. And I don't think any person is guilty of harboring epistemological harm if he carries a little talisman or wear a blue t-shirt. It's good to have ritual. Beethoven doused his head with cold water before composing, Dickens slept in north-south alignment, some writer used to keep a half-eaten apple in his desk drawer, Japanese people believes in personal blood types. Question of the veracity of it's statistical effects is not my concern but what I do want to put out is it's good to have a self-empowering placebo object if you believe it will help you with the game. But it has to be a personal one. Obviously a Jain person cannot be forced to believe in something he or she doesn't believe, but at the same time one shouldn't be ashamed of his own beliefs and be afraid to exercise it. For more check out muscle testing of applied kinesiology.

  20. To see invisible things in other realm. Another story of Tajimano-Kami
    "One of the most often repeated is the tale of his amazing sense of danger approaching. He was meditating in his garden facing away from the door when his assistant brought him his sword silently and without any declarations. His assistant, being a young and imaginative sort of person, thought to himself how it would be interesting to see if he could attack Munenori from this position. Before he could act on the fantasy, Munenori leapt to his feet and turned around, stunned to discover only his assistant was behind him. He was sure there was some impending danger. Later on he was still troubled by the event. How could he have mistaken his assistant for impending danger? Was he losing his edge? He spoke of the incident to one of his trusted advisors while his assistant was in the room, and, being a virtuous youth, his assistant admitted that he had "thought" about attacking him earlier, but made no physical movements in accordance with the attack. Therefore, Munenori concluded that he was not in fact losing his edge but had actually achieved a new level of swordsmanship, one where a man can anticipate impending danger even when people are thinking about it." উইকিপিডিয়া...
  21. Weather prediction. Back in those days it may have been a miracle, but now
    technology has progressed so much that it is mundane. Still a basic awareness of metereology would not harm a player's ever increasing skills of repertoire.

  22. To have control or dominion over the senses or go beyond them. Sensual experiences like tantric sex , body massage, jacuzzi, half-immersed in a bathtub of white paint can help can awaken up your senses. "Movement-based relaxation methods incorporate Exercise such as walking, gardening, yoga, Tai chi, Qigong, and more. Some forms of bodywork (alternative medicine) are helpful in promoting a state of increased relaxation. Examples include massage, acupuncture, the Feldenkrais method, Reflexology and self-regulation. Some relaxation methods can also be used during other activities, for example, Autosuggestion and Prayer. At least one study has suggested that listening to certain types of music, particularly New Age music and classical music, can increase feelings associated with relaxation, such as peacefulness and a sense of ease.Some find humour to be helpful. A technique growing in popularity is floatation therapy which is the use of a float tank in which a solution of Epsom Salt is kept at skin temperature to provide effortless floating. Research in USA and Sweden has demonstrated a powerful and profound relaxation after twenty minutes. Floating reduces pain and stress and has been shown to release endorphins." Link.

  23. Cessation of misery and desires. Ability to bring joy on will. (Highest of state of bliss.) This should be the ultimate cause of play. Just freakin go out and enjoy! After all, this is the life YOU chose and only YOU can bring that joy upon you. Don't worry about anything else; don't pressurize yourself. At the end of the day, carpe diem and reach your Nirvana. There is no formula or mantra for that!

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Last edited by Zeeshan; December 22, 2009 at 10:07 PM..
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Old December 22, 2009, 08:06 PM
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Cricket Munshy upadhi firiye deya hok-Zeesham key ****
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Old December 22, 2009, 08:26 PM
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Munsi-er shorilda bhala?

I know, I know, weather is going crazy all over USA
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Old December 22, 2009, 08:46 PM
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Oh, what happened to the 'Munchi' title? Why has it been taken away?!?!
Will read your thread tomorrow. It's late here in bilaat.
Man is here.
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Old December 23, 2009, 12:05 AM
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You wrote this or just a CP?
I would read later....Is it a FC material?
﴾اَلَاۤ اِنَّ اَوۡلِيَآءَ اللّٰهِ لَا خَوۡفٌ عَلَيۡهِمۡ وَلَا هُمۡ يَحۡزَنُوۡنَ ۖ ۚ‏ ﴿۶۲
"Listen, the friends of Allah shall have no fear, nor shall they grieve" (Yunus: 62)
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Old December 23, 2009, 02:01 AM
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Will i be able to finish it within a week???
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Old December 23, 2009, 02:14 AM
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গোপলা - লেখাটা পুরাই মাথার উপর দিয়ে গেল!! হিজিবিজি হিজিবিজি
Armchair selectors name their XI and conduct heated selection meetings on internet. Blood young players, some experts cry. Pick the best players, regardless of age, insist others.
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Old December 23, 2009, 02:19 AM
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Don't worry guys it was mainly for entertainment's sake and for light reading. Nothing more than that. But then again a lot of truth is said in jest. So hopefully someday I will be alive enough to see some sort of application of these supernatural powers by our players.

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Old December 23, 2009, 02:24 AM
billah billah is offline
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Originally Posted by Nocturnal
গোপলা - লেখাটা পুরাই মাথার উপর দিয়ে গেল!! হিজিবিজি হিজিবিজি
Pretty much the same here.....

I think Gopal is a victim of this economic slump, lost his job or somethin'......
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Old December 23, 2009, 02:53 AM
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Originally Posted by billah
Pretty much the same here.....
Well Cricket Legends are not privy to arcane metaphysics. Reminds me of the video I got today from facebook where they point out how society is brainwashed to applaud everything that dovetails their form of understanding from academia and trained to lambaste anything just because it deviates away from their lowly comfort of the oystershell of their philosophy. Afterall being the sheep that we are we all salute those geekazoid nerds who readily accept "facts" of life without questioning their authority and put others in pillory if they dare ask such "Dumb" questions as "is earth flat?" or "if parallel lines cross at infinity"

I think Gopal is a victim of this economic slump, lost his job or somethin'......
Don't worry, I can always fall back on Purbasha's affiliate marketing.

So much for constructive criticism.

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Last edited by Zeeshan; December 23, 2009 at 10:23 AM..
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Old December 23, 2009, 04:32 AM
BD-Shardul BD-Shardul is offline
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Amar moto akaimma low IQ engine-bid ei poster ki bujhbe

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Old December 23, 2009, 02:39 PM
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Ki dada, tomar kobor ki?
God bless Ingrid Newkirk, Dianne Feinstein, Hillary Clinton, Kamala Harris, Kirsten Gillibrand, Elizabeth Warren & Mitch Landrieu!
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Old December 23, 2009, 02:54 PM
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Not bad Gopal. But I have an easier proposition. Ensue chaos on the mind of opposition. Let no pattern emerge. It's sure to test the concentration of the opposition.
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Old December 23, 2009, 03:51 PM
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Well to quote Sohel bhai, I don't write these things "for criticism or praise." But thanks anyways Kalpurushda Siraji and bochada. Sadly some are so overzealous on skewing a person's true intent that they misinterpret the real reason why he opened this thread.

Originally Posted by ZeeshanM
Post your memo for the upcoming series...

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Old December 23, 2009, 06:50 PM
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Originally Posted by ZeeshanM

Don't worry, I can always fall back on Purbasha's affiliate marketing.

You never know what future may hold. It's always good to take caution before the disaster is knocking on your door.

So c'mon over...let's make some cash.............................................. ........together.
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Old December 23, 2009, 09:25 PM
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Originally Posted by Purbasha T
So c'mon over...let's make some cash.............................................. ........together.
I managed to get $2.50 by panhandling for only 1 minute. What did you make? Embrace my way and you will never have to go hungry again.
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Old December 23, 2009, 11:13 PM
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Someone get Zeeshan a gf... or a PS3.
My photography
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Old December 23, 2009, 11:47 PM
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euthanasia may be the only answer ....
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Old December 23, 2009, 11:48 PM
Zunaid Zunaid is offline
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and while you are about .. let us just make this the unofficial official thread about everything unofficially official...

Yup - I am very cantankerous tonight. Riposte at your own risk.
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Old December 24, 2009, 12:14 AM
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Originally Posted by Zunaid
euthanasia may be the only answer ....
Haha you made me laugh chief. But still I am not happy about it from being dropped to "forget cricket" section when ipso facto it's a cricket thread. Sure it may be entirely my own subjective interpretation glossed with folklore, but that doesn't preclude it's "cricketness."

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Old December 24, 2009, 12:15 AM
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Originally Posted by Zunaid
and while you are about .. let us just make this the unofficial official thread about everything unofficially official...

Yup - I am very cantankerous tonight. Riposte at your own risk.
Sigh! There is only one man who can come up with such a sui generis niche. And why does it have it be me?

Edit: As for the cantankerousness, may I suggest an Ayurvedic kobiraji viagra?

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Old December 24, 2009, 09:41 AM
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Originally Posted by Orpheus
I managed to get $2.50 by panhandling for only 1 minute. What did you make? Embrace my way and you will never have to go hungry again.
I don't believe you. Send it to me via money-order process, and I'll have a look.
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Old December 24, 2009, 11:27 AM
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Originally Posted by Purbasha T
I don't believe you. Send it to me via money-order process, and I'll have a look.
and you blame your friends for not buying into you affiliate scheme. tsk tsk
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Old December 24, 2009, 11:41 AM
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Originally Posted by Orpheus
and you blame your friends for not buying into you affiliate scheme. tsk tsk
Ha ha! I can show them proof. You can't.
Man is here.
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