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Old September 14, 2009, 11:42 AM
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Rhabdophis himalayanus
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Family: Colubridae
Scientific Names: Macropisthodon himalayanus, Natrix himalayanus, N. speciosus, Rhabdophis himalayana, Tropidonotus himalayanus

Common Names: Orange-collared keelback

Small to medium-sized, fairly slender water snake (usually only in fresh water), adults usually about 50-60 cm long. Body varies from pale to medium brown (often w/ orange tinge) above, w/ lighter gray-brown to yellowish-brown belly, & narrow distinct orange-red ring around its neck. Dorsal scales rough (keeled), ungrooved fixed enlarged rear fangs.
Mainly found in brushy or grassy areas alongside streams, ditches or paddies. Found from near sea level to above 400 m elevation. Limited to southern & southeastern Asia.
Activity and Behavior
Mainly nocturnal, semi-aquatic, spreads its neck ("hood-like") when threatened, usually seems reluctant to bite humans. Seldom encountered by humans. Eats mainly frogs, toads, &/or fish. Oviparous (usually <12 eggs/ clutch).
Venom Characteristics
Not much known. Mainly hemotoxic, possibly w/ neurotoxic factors. Related species (2) in this genus have caused human deaths, mainly due to acute renal failure.
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Old September 14, 2009, 11:43 AM
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Rhabdophis subminiatus
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Family: Colubridae
Scientific Names: Amphiesma subminiatum, Natrix helleri, N. subminiata, N. s. hongkongensis, N. s. subminiata, N. subminiatus, Pseudoxenodon intermedius, Rhabdophis subminiata, R. s. helleri, Rhabdophis subminiatus helleri, R. s. subminiatus, Tropidonotus subminiatus

Common Names: Red-necked keelback, Rothals-Wassernatter

Medium-sized, fairly slender freshwater snake w/ rough scales, ungrooved enlarged upper rear fangs; adults usually 50-60 cm long (max. 100+ cm). Body olive, greenish-gray, or greenish-brown w/ indistinct flecks of black & yellow may appear as a mid-dorsal stripe, belly gray. Neck & forepart of body vivid red; sides of head yellow, w/ black subocular streak. Juveniles often w/ dark band around neck which fades w/ age, by the time they are 40 in. (100 cm) long.
Found mainly in moderately to very wet brush-covered or grassy fields adjacent to streams, ditches, or paddies. Found up to 1,780 m elevation. This genus is indigenous to eastern & southeastern Asia.
Activity and Behavior
Mainly nocturnal & semi-aquatic (usually in fresh water only). When threatened, rears forepart of body & flattens its neck, showing bright red skin between scales. Usually reluctant to bite unless seriously molested or restrained. Mainly eat available amphibians or fish. Oviparous, w/ usually 5-17 eggs/ clutch.
Venom Characteristics
Mainly procoagulants, which can cause renal failure; plus mild neurotoxic factors. Envenomation does not always occur. Bite may be almost painless w/ minimal local swelling. Symptoms of envenomation may include local numbness, headache, nausea, & vomiting; in severe cases renal failure has caused human deaths. No known antivenom currently produced.
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Old September 14, 2009, 11:44 AM
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Synanceja trachynis
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Family: Scorpaenidae
Scientific Names: Synanceia trachynis [Note: There are >1,000 currently named species in at least 67 current genera in this boney-fish Family (Scorpaenidae). This is one of 3 current very similar-looking species in this genus which can cause severe human envenomations & fatalities. The other 2 are Synanceja horrida & S. verrusosa. Other species in this family, some Scorpion fish & some Zebra (Lion) fish (some common in the pet trade), can also cause serious human envenomation & rarely, death.]

Common Names: Stone fish, goblin fish, nofu, warty-ghoul, rock fish, lump fish, poison fish, scorpion fish

Usually mottled greenish-brown (often w/ red or gray flecks/ blotches), many stone-like bumps & flap-like projections over most of its body make it very hard to detect in typical resting sites. Body relatively large, rounded in front, tapers to much smaller, rounded tail, eyes dorsal, w/ 13 grooved poison-dispensing spines within the dorsal fin, each w/ a pair of venom glands, & more such spines in the relatively short, wide pectoral & anal fins. Adults usually about 30 cm long.
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Found mainly in moderately shallow (mainly marine, sometimes brackish) waters above coral reefs or in near-shore coastal shallows usually over at least partly sandy bottoms. Widespread along the coasts of nearly every country that borders the Indian & southwestern Pacific Oceans (not yet reported from some), mainly north of the Tropic of Capricorn & mainly south of the Tropic of Cancer.
Activity and Behavior
Typically rest on the bottom among protruding coral knobs, & any bottom plants or animals (e.g., sponges, annemonies), usually in water <20 m deep. Often lie partly hidden under sand & bottom debris. Can live out of water for many hours. Usually ambush & eat mainly smaller fish & marine arthropods that pass by them.
Venom Characteristics
Very potent neurotoxin w/ cytotoxic & possibly hemolytic factors (some spp. also have hyaluronidase & pre-synaptic transmitter blockers). Venom of most spp. is unstable at pH <5.5 or >9.0, & at temperatures above 50 degrees C. Spines can usually penetrate sand shoes when the fish is stepped on (or gloves when handled). Numerous human envenomations & deaths have been documented.
God bless Ingrid Newkirk, Dianne Feinstein, Hillary Clinton, Kamala Harris, Kirsten Gillibrand, Elizabeth Warren & Mitch Landrieu!
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Old September 14, 2009, 11:45 AM
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Trimeresurus albolabris
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Family: Viperidae
Scientific Names: Bothrops erythrurus, Coluber gramineus, Cryptelytrops albolabris, Lachesis gramineus, L. g. albolabris, L. grammineus, Trigonocephlus viridis, Trimeresurus albolabris albolabris, T. bicolor, T. gramineus, T. g. albolabris, T. purpureomaculatus var. bicolor

Common Names: White-lipped pitviper, white-lipped tree viper, white-lipped green pit viper, Weisslippen-Bambusotter, green bamboo pitviper

Medium-sized, long, thin arboreal, pitviper w/ triangular head, distinct from neck; adults usually 40-60 cm long (max. 100 cm). Body uniformly green, varies from yellowish-green to bright grass-green. May have darker crossbands. Belly greenish, yellow or white; 21 midbody dorsal scale rows. Head w/ a pair of heat-sensing pits between nostrils & eyes, & w/ a pair of hinged (folding) upper front fangs.
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Found mainly in open tropical forests or bamboo thickets, & cultivated land, at low elevations. Often found around human habitations & in gardens. Rather widespread in southeastern Asia.
Activity and Behavior
Mainly nocturnal & arboreal; rarely seen on ground except after dark. Usually slow moving, especially during the daytime, & not aggressive except when disturbed. Ovovivipaous w/ 4-25 neonates/ litter reported. Preys mainly on frogs, lizards, small birds & rodents.
Venom Characteristics
Mainly hemotoxic. Symptoms may include local pain, swelling, bruising, & tender enlargement of local lymph nodes. Systemic symptoms may include nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, abdominal pain, lethargy, gastrointestinal bleeding, & hematuria. Bites common, but few reported human deaths.
God bless Ingrid Newkirk, Dianne Feinstein, Hillary Clinton, Kamala Harris, Kirsten Gillibrand, Elizabeth Warren & Mitch Landrieu!
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Old September 14, 2009, 11:46 AM
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Trimeresurus erythrurus
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Family: Viperidae
Scientific Names: Trigonocephalus erythrurus, Trimeresurus bicolor, T. carinatus

Common Names: Red-tailed green pit viper, red-tail pitviper

Medium-sized, rather slender pitviper, adults usually 50-60 cm long (max. 140 cm). Body usually leaf-green dorsally; belly uniform pale green w/ yellow tinge; 23-25 midbody dorsal scale rows. Prehensile tail usually spotted w/ brown; looks "dry" compared to rest of body.
Found in lowlands, low hills, orchards, & plantations.
Activity and Behavior
Not well known. Mainly nocturnal & mainly arboreal; but frequently comes to ground in search of food. Seldom encountered by humans. Probably ovoviviparous (litter size unknown), & probably mainly preys on available small mammals & birds (possibly occasionally on lizards or amphibians, too).
Venom Characteristics
Not well known. Primarily hemotoxic. Bites uncommon. No human fatalities recorded.
God bless Ingrid Newkirk, Dianne Feinstein, Hillary Clinton, Kamala Harris, Kirsten Gillibrand, Elizabeth Warren & Mitch Landrieu!
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Old September 14, 2009, 11:47 AM
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Trimeresurus purpureomaculatus
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Family: Viperidae
Scientific Names: Lachesis purpureomaculatus, Trigonocephalus purpureo-maculatus, Tirmeresurus puniceus (in part), T. purpureomaculatus purpureomaculatus, Trimesurus purpureus,

Common Names: Mangrove pit viper, shore pitviper, Mangrovnotter

Medium-sized, fairly stout-bodied pitviper, adults usually 70-80 cm long (max. 105+ cm). Body purplish-brown, olive or grayish; often w/ white line along each side. May have series of large brownish saddle-shaped markings w/ small spots on flanks (rarely, totally unmarked), 25-27 midbody dorsal rows of strongly-keeled scales. Belly whitish (scales black-edged), light greenish, or pale brown; often w/ darker gray or light-brown speckling along sides. Head dark above w/ keeled scales.
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Widely distributed along rocky coastal areas in mangrove & coastal swampy forests within its range. Occur very often on offshore islands, but may also be found in inland bamboo jungles up to 600 m elevation. Limited mainly to coastal areas of Southeast Asia (several countries), Singapore & Indonesia.
Activity and Behavior
Mainly nocturnal, but active during day; mainly terrestrial, but commonly encountered in low bushes. Very aggressive, strikes w/ little provocation. Readily enter & swim in salt water & often move to & from near-shore islands. Mainly eat lizards & birds (juveniles eat frogs & lizards). Ovoviviparous w/ 7-14 young/ litter.
Venom Characteristics
Potent hemotoxin. Envenomation may cause severe pain, local swelling involving entire bitten limb, tender enlargement of local lymph nodes, local necrosis, & incoagulable blood. Bites common. Human deaths reported but not very common.
God bless Ingrid Newkirk, Dianne Feinstein, Hillary Clinton, Kamala Harris, Kirsten Gillibrand, Elizabeth Warren & Mitch Landrieu!
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Old September 14, 2009, 11:47 AM
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1) Where is the list of Ministers and priministers?
2) linemen? Electric, gas, water, cable.
3) Port authority Plus Customs.
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Old September 14, 2009, 11:48 AM
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Viridovipera stejnegeri
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Family: Viperidae
Scientific Names: Trimeresurus graminaeus formosensis, T. g. kodairai, T. gramineus, T. g. formosensis, T. g. kodairai, Trimeresurus stejnegeri, T. s. chenbihuii, T. s. kodairai, T. s. makii, T. s. stejnegeri, T. s. yunnanensis, Trimeresurus yunnanensis, Viridovipera yunnanensis

Common Names: Chinese bamboo pitviper, Chinese green tree viper, Stejneger's bamboo viper, chenbihuii, Chen's bamboo pitviper, Formosan green tree pitviper, Stejnegers Bambusotter, Chinesische Bambusotter, bamboo pitviper

Medium-sized, fairly stout, arboreal pitviper; adults usually 60-70 cm long (max. 100 cm). Body uniformly leaf-green to chartreuse-green; no markings except thin white, yellowish-white, or red-&-white (red below, white above) stripe along each side, usually 21 midbody dorsal rows of keeled scales. Belly pale green, prehensile tail terracotta or rust-colored above. Very similar in appearance to Pope's pitviper, Trimeresurus popeorum.
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Mainly found in montane forest areas, usually in bamboo thickets, bushes, & trees along water courses; found more frequently on hillsides than on level terrain, often in edges of agricultural areas. Occurs up to 2,845 m elevation. Most common in Cambodia, southern China, isolated sites in Myanmar & Thailand, & Vietnam; occurs but rarely in certain other southern Asian & southeastern Asian countries.
Activity and Behavior
Mainly arboreal (maybe semi-arboreal) & mainly nocturnal. Sluggish by day. Usually calm disposition, but strikes quickly if surprised or brushed against while resting in arboreal shelters. When threatened while on the ground, may coil & rapidly vibrate tail as a warning. Ovoviviparous, w/ usually 3-10 young/ litter. Eats mainly small frogs, lizards & small mammals.
Venom Characteristics
Mainly hemotoxic. Envenomation symptoms include severe local pain, oozing from fang marks, extensive local swelling, bruising, nausea, & vomiting. Many bites of humans in agricultural areas, or people who walk along narrow bamboo forest trails. Human fatalities recorded but not common.
God bless Ingrid Newkirk, Dianne Feinstein, Hillary Clinton, Kamala Harris, Kirsten Gillibrand, Elizabeth Warren & Mitch Landrieu!
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Old September 14, 2009, 12:11 PM
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Bro It could be a lot useful if you could include Bangla names for these snakes. I have no business with these tons of English and scientific names.
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Old September 14, 2009, 12:46 PM
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GB wishes this was his thread.
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Old September 14, 2009, 01:03 PM
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Originally Posted by Shafin
Bro It could be a lot useful if you could include Bangla names for these snakes. I have no business with these tons of English and scientific names.
Currently there is no Bangla name for most of these snakes.

Therefore I request all of you to propose Bangla Names (please refer post #s as there are so0 many of them). This is your chance to famous in snake kingdom.
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Old September 14, 2009, 01:12 PM
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Is this a new way of increasing your post count BK bhai ? I cant think of any other reasons for this thread and the sheer number of posts you have made here.
Ever notice how you come across somebody once in a while that you shouldnt have messed with? Thats me.
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Old September 14, 2009, 01:27 PM
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Originally Posted by Fazal
Currently there is no Bangla name for most of these snakes.

Therefore I request all of you to propose Bangla Names (please refer post #s as there are so0 many of them). This is your chance to famous in snake kingdom.

I call for post #2. "Kaula baluraj". It would be KB in shortcut. Not BK.
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Old September 14, 2009, 02:39 PM
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B_K bhai..shap khurtey giye kecho r amdani hobey na ?
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Old September 14, 2009, 02:51 PM
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nadim is probably watching this thread and slapping his head saying: how come i didn't think of that!

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Old September 15, 2009, 03:57 PM
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Guys look at the sea snakes' flap tails!! Very interesting, all of the sea snakes, see! Look at the jaw structures, massive and the super venom! And look at the Beaked Sea Snake or the Common Sea Snake, very leathal !

We can also discuss the cats and large cats of the Bengal and Bangladesh delta area! Very exciting stuff!
God bless Ingrid Newkirk, Dianne Feinstein, Hillary Clinton, Kamala Harris, Kirsten Gillibrand, Elizabeth Warren & Mitch Landrieu!
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Old September 15, 2009, 04:12 PM
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ওস্তাদ আগে কন আপনে খেপলেন ক্যান? কেইসটা কি?
﴾اَلَاۤ اِنَّ اَوۡلِيَآءَ اللّٰهِ لَا خَوۡفٌ عَلَيۡهِمۡ وَلَا هُمۡ يَحۡزَنُوۡنَ ۖ ۚ‏ ﴿۶۲
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Old September 15, 2009, 04:20 PM
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Originally Posted by auntu
ওস্তাদ আগে কন আপনে খেপলেন ক্যান? কেইসটা কি?
Mooney hoi Mid Age crisis cholche...
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Old September 15, 2009, 04:21 PM
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raaa u know alot about snakes bujee bhai
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Old September 15, 2009, 06:21 PM
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Originally Posted by fazal
mooney hoi mid age crisis cholche...
নাহ মামুর একদম শকুনের চোখ...।
﴾اَلَاۤ اِنَّ اَوۡلِيَآءَ اللّٰهِ لَا خَوۡفٌ عَلَيۡهِمۡ وَلَا هُمۡ يَحۡزَنُوۡنَ ۖ ۚ‏ ﴿۶۲
"Listen, the friends of Allah shall have no fear, nor shall they grieve" (Yunus: 62)
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Old September 15, 2009, 09:19 PM
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Originally Posted by ZeeshanM
nadim is probably watching this thread and slapping his head saying: how come i didn't think of that!
nadim bechara bondi tai nijer moner kotha or upor diya marlen nah??
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Old September 15, 2009, 10:09 PM
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Nice post, BK. Back in the 70's, when Dhaka wasn't yet that much of a concrete jungle, and there were still many dobas and pukurs around, one often encountered snakes, and occasionally hired shapuraes (snake-charmers) to get rid of them. I remember becoming quite friendly with one shapurae who showed me some of his pet (venom-sac removed) snakes -- he had a live albino cobra, the only "white" one that I've ever seen.
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Old September 15, 2009, 11:57 PM
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Very nice thread BK brutha'.
Reminds me Roji Samad and her twin pets.
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Old September 16, 2009, 12:33 AM
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Very informative. Thanks.
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Old September 16, 2009, 01:20 AM
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ekdom choto kale shaper khela deksilam besh koekbar....does it still exist in dhaka?
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